Apparently I was just playing like any ordinary day on the server, talking and traitor'ing and then all of a sudden I'm banned! No warnings or questions or anything, comically enough it was also a Perm ban, the worst of all bans? How awkward. Then I have everyone on the server messaging me going "why were you just banned? wtf just happened?"
Soooo, looking upon the Sourceban, I was reported by(IMO) a Troll who tries too hard to get a rise out of me in a desperate fashion. *Coughs* but the reason being because of my spray, I'm severely questioning by all means how my spray, ban-reason given, is worth a PERMANENT ban. No warnings at all and what could easily go by as an admin saying "Hey, change the spray now OR ELLLSE". Instead I unexpectedly am perm banned. Sooooo, I'll just make this thread and 'Appeal' for an unbanning.
Many people love my spray and it brings lots of laughs whenever I spray it and have not received a complaint of it to my own knowledge. So I feel this action upon me is a little strange.
Also just for obviousness, No, Sabbath, I don't want you posting in this thread. I tire of your obvious-trolling, try to resist the urge of being a douche towards me in this thread too. Beyond me saying that, can someone please help me out :/ I'm just giving this one shot and if truly my spray alone makes me get a the worst of all Bans then I'd just quit and say forget it, not worth fighting over because of how trivial this all feels, being banned for such reasons, it's either I get berated by someone and told how what I did was unforgivable and I can go fuck myself and I shall never enjoy the feeling of playing in the server again and get depraved or someone nice can come and give me a hand with this awkward moment.