Before we start off, I like to apologize for letting the community down for abusing my authority and the next time it happens, Moo can Perma- Demote me.Name- Sean
Age- Number..
Servers most active- TTT.
Steam Name- xseanxx
IGN - CookieMonster
Why I nid VIP back. Well my demotion was a warning and I deserved it, things got out of hand. But I would still like to halp get rid of the mingies and since now many VIPS are active in TTT, I would like to be there.Hacker ALERT- Nid ban depending on how severe they were hacking. And the "VIP" next to my name will intimidate them ;P I pledge allegiance, To RND, and the players and admins. And to the republic, in which we stand.. One community, under coolz, WERE INVINCIBLE, with liberty and justice to
Well that concludes my Vip app, and even after my demotion, i hope that you guys will accept me again. And I apologize once more for not doing as I was supposed too. Thank joo all!