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Offline Сєşάя

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Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« on: August 20, 2010, 03:29:42 PM »
Here are a bit of brazilian words:

First: Things

House = casa
Boat = bote
Roof = telhado
Grain = grama
Pole = poste
Body = corpo
Bad = mau
Bad Boy = homem mau, malandro (slang)
Tank = tanque, tanque de guerra
Plane = avião
Submarine = submarino
I, You, He, She, It, We, They = eu, tu, ele, ela, isto(have other things), nós, eles
Ball = bola
Soccer = futibol (We speak so)
Table = mesa
Chair = cadeira
Flower = flor
Car = carro
Truck = caminhão
Pickup = camionhete
Bike = bicicleta, motocicleta, moto
Vase = vaso
Tractor = trator

And more.

Second: phrases

Wassup = e aí
Mother Fucker = filho da mãe
Son of a Bitch = filho da puta
Bitch = puta

Third: Bad Words


Amancebado/a, m/f [joined together] — unwed but living together 

Amasiado/a, m/f - same as amancebado 

Amigado/a, m/f — same as amancebado 

Amigar, v [to make friends] — to shack up 

Babaca, f/m — cunt, stupid person 

Bagos, m. plural [grapes] — balls; berries; bucks; drops of sweat 

Balls, f. plural [balls] — testicles 

Barca da Cantareira, f [Rio's bay ferry] — bisexual 

Barraco, m — a riot, an ugly scene   

Bicha, m [worm, line] — gay, fag 

Bode, m [he-goat] — oversexed man 

Bolha, m [bubble] — extra insufferable person 

Bosta, f [shit] — excrement; cheap thing; botched job; disappointment; gizmo 

Bouché, m [mouthful] — fellatio; oral sex on male 

Brocha, f [brush] — impotent man 

Brochar, v — fail to have a hard-on 

Boceta, buceta, f [box] — vulva, cunt 

Boiola, m — gay, homosexual man 

Buço, m — lip fuzz, down; incipient pubic hair 

Bruto, m (brute) the male sex organ 

Bunda, f — ass; asshole; cheap item ("Ele me deu uma gravata bunda" = He gave me a cheap tie) 

bunda, levar na, v — to be sodomized 

bunda, pôr na, v — to sodomize 

bunda, tomar na, v — to be sodomized 

Bundudo/a, m/f — person with a big derrière 

Buraco, m — hole (cunt, anus, etc) 

Caceta, f — the penis. (a strange psychological phenomenon to attribute to the penis the female gender) 

Cacete, m — (a stick, a club) — the penis. See previous entry. 

Cabaço, m [cherry] — hymen, virginity 

cabaço, tirar o — to ravish 

Cagada, f — a failure, a bad job, a disaster ("O casamento de Pat foi uma cagada" = Pat's marriage was a disaster) 

Cagado/a, adj — shitted on; smeared with shit; humiliated 

Cagar, v [to shit] — to defecate; to botch a job; to do badly 

Caralhal, adj — very good; excellent ("Foi uma festa caralhal" = It was a great party) 

Caralho, m [penis] — dick, prick Also used as an expletive ("Caralho, bati o carro" = Oh, fuck, I crashed the car 

Casa, f [house] — in expressions such as "na casa do caralho" "na casa do catso" = in a remote place; brothel 

Caramba! Expletive — used when "caralho" is thought to be too strong. Also used in the expression "pra caramba!" = "pra caralho" = a great deal, much too much 

Catso, m — penis, cock. Used in questions such as: "O que é este catso?" = What the shit is this? "Para que serve este catso?" = What the hell is this good for?" 

Chatear, v — to annoy, to hassle 

Chato, m [flat] — pubic louse, crab 

Chato/a, m/f -annoying, importune, insufferable person — adj. — boring, soporific; annoying 

Chico, m [a nickname for Francisco] — menstruation ("Alva está com o chico = Alva is menstruated) 

Chico in the expression: "até o chico vir debaixo" = for a long time 

Chifre, m [horn] — what a cuckold is supposed to sport 

Chifrudo/a, m/f — a cuckold man/woman 

Choto, m — same as caralho, pica 

Chupada, f [a sucking] — to suck lips or a sex organ 

Chupar, v [to suck] — to practice oral sex 

Chuparinho, f [sucker] — addicted to cunnilingus 

Coco, m/f [coconut] — prostitute; bimbo 

Cocô, m — poo, shit (baby talk) 

cocô, fazer, coll — to poo, to shit 

Coisa, f/m [thing] — sex organ — "Seu coisa" = John Doe 

Coisinha, f [little thing] — vulva, pussy 

Comer, v [to eat] — to have sex with 

Comida, f/m [eaten] — easy woman; bimbo; prostitute (also applicable to males) 

Corrimento, m [flow] — flow of menses; clap secretion 

Cona, f [cunt] — vernacular terms 

Cricri, m/f — "the crab's crab"; greatly insufferable person 

Cripentolha, m/f — the very tops in insufferability 

Cu, m [anus] — asshole; an unpleasant person, site, event, or act 

cu, pôr no — see Bunda 

cu, tomar no — see Bunda 

Cucaracha, f [cockroach] — Spanish-American person 

Cu da mãe, coll [mother's ass] — an undefined place, anywhere ("Onde ponho isto? Põe no cu da mãe" = "Where do I put this. Put it in the mother's ass." 

Cu da perua, coll [the female turkey's ass] — a very far place ("Em Brasília, tudo fica no cu da perua" = In Brasília everything is miles away) 

Culhão, m [testicle] — ball; courage, valor; chutzpah 

Culhões, m plural [testicles] — in expressions signifying manliness, leadership, extreme courage. Even in sentences such as "Margarida é uma mulher de culhão/culhões" = Margarida is a lady with balls. Also used negatively: "Esse calhorda nao tem culhões" = This scoundrel's got no balls, no shame, no stand, no backbone 

Curra, f — a forcible group sex act (the victim may be either male or female) 

Currar, v — to commit "curra" 

Currada/o, f/m — the victim of a curra 

Dar, v [to give] — to yield to a sex call 

Deflorar, v [to deflower] — to take a female's virginity 

Descabaçar, v — same as deflorar 


Enchedor de saco, coll [bag filler] — a pain-in-the-ass person 

Encher, v [to fill] — to annoy; hassle; importune 

Enchimento, m [padding] — the action of "encher" (q.v.) 

Enrabar, v [to sodomize] — to have anal sex with; to destroy a person, a company, an entity financially/morally/ professionally 

Entesar, v [to stiffen] — to have a hard- on; to have "tesão" (q.v.); to reprimand someone; to tease endlessly 

Entrar em, v [to enter] — to penetrate sexually 

Entrar, v [to enter] — penetrate sexually 

Fazer, v [to make, to do] used in expressions such "fazer minette", "fazer pipi" "fazer cocô" etc. São Paulo streetwalkers use to entice customers with the call "vam' fazer neném?" = Shall we make a baby? 


Fiofó, m — same as Bunda, Cu 

Foda, f [a fuck] — the sex act; intercourse; a problem ("Este garoto é uma foda" = This boy is a problem); bad 

happening ("A viagem a Nova Iorque foi uma foda" = The trip to New York was a bust); bad premonition ("Se meu time perder é foda" = If my team loses, it is a disaster 

Fodedor/a, m/f — a person with the reputation of a sexual athlete. Also somebody who teases a lot 

Foder, v [to fuck] — to have intercourse; to defeat ("Precisamos foder os cor-de-rosa" = We must defeat the Pinkies); to ruin ("O patrão está querendo foder a gente" = The boss is trying to fuck us) 

Foder-se, v [to fuck oneself] — practically the connotations as in English 

Fodido/a, m/f [fucked] — defeated, sick, depressed 

Fudido — same as Fodido 

Galinha, f [hen] — oversexed or promiscuous female ("Tomar por onde a galinha toma" = To get it the way chickens do) 

Garanhão, m — stud 

Gilete, m/f — bisexual 

Gonorréia, f — gonorrhea, clap 

Gonorréia de gancho — hard to cure clap 

Gostosa, f [tasty] — sex pot 

Grelo, grelinho m [sprout, little sprout] — clitoris, clit 

Machão, m — super stud; very macho 

Machona, f [virago] — lesbian 

Mãe, f [mother] — often used offensively to imply or attribute immoral actions to the mother of the person one is 

talking to 

Mané, m — a clumsy fellow; an awkward lover. 

Manzapo, m — penis, dick, prick 

Marmita, f [marmite] — a train, subway, bus or streetcar patronized by many streetwalkers 

Marica, maricas, m/f — effeminate, gay 

Mata, f [copse] — a thick pubic hair grow 

Merda, f/m [shit] — excrement, shit ("Fulano é um merda" = So and so is a rotter) 

merda, vai à — piss off 

Merdoso/a, adj — shitty 

Mijar, v — to pee 

fora do pinico, mijar [to pee outside the pisspot] — to miss the target; to hit the wrong target; to say the wrong thing; to speak out of turn 

Minette, minete, m [cunnilingus] oral sex on female 

Mingau, m [goo, goop] — sperm 

Ovos, m plural [eggs] — testicles 

Paca, adv — [contraction for "pra caralho"] — very much, a great deal, much too much ("O Silva ganhou dinheiro paca" = Silva made oodles of money) 

Paquete, m [monthly ship] — menses 

Pau, m [stick, wood] — penis, prick, dick 

pau, falar ao = to attract; to draw attention 

Pedê, m — a pederast; a pedophile 

Pensão, f [boarding house] — brothel, whorehouse 

Peripatética, f — street walker 

Pentelho, m — pubic hair, bush; extra insufferable person; "super chato" 

Pica, f — penis, dick, wiener 

Piça or pissa, f — same as pica 

Piroca, m/f [bald] — same as pica 

Porra, m/f — [club, truncheon) sperm; unworthy person; 

("Tony não passa de um porra" = Tony is nothing but a good for nothing); undefined thing ("Que porra é essa?" = What the fuck is this?)   

Porra louca, coll [crazy sperm) — crazy, space cadet, loony 

Puta, f [whore] — prostitute. Also used in the sense of big or brutal "Ontem caiu uma puta chuva" = Yesterday we had a heavy rain 

puta, filho da [son of a whore] — son of a bitch. Also used as a term of praise or admiration: "O Senhor Germano é um industrial filho da puta = Mr. Germano is a tremendous industrialist 

Putamerda, expl — O, big shit! 

Quenga, f — prostitute, low class whore 

Quermesse, f [charitable festival] — high-class group sex 

Rabo, m [tail] — derrière, butt 

Rameira, f — prostitute, whore 

Rapidinha, f — a quickie 

Rosquinha, f — a tight cunt 

Sacana, n/f — scoundrel, unreliable; given to sex deviations; immoral 

Sacanear, v — to tease maliciously; to importune 

Saco, m [bag] — scrotum 

saco, encher o — to harass, hassle 

saco, puxar o saco — to flatter obsequiously; to admire in excess; to brown nose; to praise in excess (in this sense the "bag" is the collection bag in church) 

Safado/a, m/f — smarty, shameless (a bit milder than sacana) 

Sapatão, m/f [big shoe] — dyke, butch 

Sapatinha, f — a young lesbian or bisexual 

Semi-virgem, f [demi-virgin] — a female who doesn't do it all the way 

Siririca, f — female masturbation, finger-fucking 

Suruba, f — multiple sex party 

Tara, f — sex mania, sex obsession, sex deviation, psychological flaw 

Tarado/a, m/f - sex maniac; pedophile, addicted to kinky sex. Also excessively found of ("Sou tarado por manga = I am crazy for mango) May be applied to persons, animals, sports, hobbies, etc. 

Tarraqueta, f — cunt, anus 

Tesão, m/f — hard-on, excitement, attraction for. Also in expressions such as: "Não tenho tesão para meu emprego = I don't particularly like my job; "Viagem noturna de ônibus não me dá tesão" = I have no pleasure in riding an overnight bus. Or: "Surfar em Ipanema é um tesão só" = To surf in Ipanema is solid pleasure 

Transa, f — a sexual act 

Transar, v — to perform a sexual act 

Transinha, f — same as Rapidinha 

Trepada, f — a sexual act 

Trepar, v — to perform a sexual act. Note: neither transar nor trepar have the same dark negative meanings of foder (to fuck) 

Tricô e crochê, coll [knit and crochet] — to practice alternatively vaginal and anal sex in the same session 

Vaca, f [cow] — whore, bitch ("Aquela vaca tomou toda minha grana" = "That bitch took all my dough") 

Vai-vem coll [comes/goes] — in such sentences as "Eles estavam fazendo vai-vem" = They were doing push-pull; "Nós dois estávamos num vai-vém ferrado" = The two of us were on a robust push-pull 

Veado, m [deer] — usually pronounced and written Viado — faggot, gay, homosexual man 

Vergonhas, f plural [shameful things] — the sex organs 

Vinte e quatro [number 24] — same as Veado. It comes from the popular animal lottery in which the deer is represented by number 24 

Vuco-vuco, m — disorder, disarray (A cama tinha virado um vuco-vuco" = The bed turned into a battlefield 

So today...

Stickied because of its quality and 'usefulness'.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 12:37:14 PM by Frank »

Offline Peetah

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2010, 05:56:54 PM »
e ai cesar! I am homem.
(Reg) Nezz45: peetah are you good with the weight tool?

Offline Сєşάя

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2010, 07:15:46 PM »
e ai cesar! I am homem.

E aí Peetah!


/Edit: But attention, use the translator to see it is correct. Because some words is in informal talks.

Ex.: Aquela mulher é rapidinha. That girl is fuck. That girl is fast.

Thanks for understand

Don't double post please. -Don
« Last Edit: August 21, 2010, 02:01:12 PM by Mr. Don »

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 10:27:20 AM »
essa gente !! I AM NOT ENGLISH!!!
yeah random!

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2010, 11:18:20 AM »
puta puta puta puta !!!!! xDDDD
Quotes from friends:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: mah mouse is sqeakeh
.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2010, 11:18:37 AM »

Offline Сєşάя

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2010, 03:17:20 PM »

Offline Don

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2010, 03:17:42 PM »
transar puta?

Offline Mr. Franklin

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2010, 03:34:30 PM »
Quotes from friends:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: mah mouse is sqeakeh
.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2010, 03:38:31 PM »

No... Suas putas que tomam mingau = Your whorses that drink cum  :))

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2010, 03:39:37 PM »
 Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau.
Quotes from friends:
.:~RND`=- coolzeldad -=: mah mouse is sqeakeh
.:~RND`=- Mr.Franklin -=: tweeeeek it

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Offline Сєşάя

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2010, 02:48:26 PM »
Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau,  Suas putas que tomam mingau.



Please continue posting here. Let's put this topic alive :D

-Messages merged by Frank to prevent the accusing of "double posting".
« Last Edit: September 30, 2010, 04:21:27 PM by Frank »

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 02:23:52 PM »
puta casa filho da puta?

Offline Сєşάя

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2010, 12:10:33 PM »
puta casa filho da puta?

LOL wat the fuck

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Re: Brazilian Portuguese Guide
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2010, 12:59:26 PM »
To rindo ate agoraa!!!