Hey I thought I'd share a course that I'm taking in college this year with everyone and if you know anything about it I'd like to listen.
CIS 120 - Program Design & Development
(online picture of my book below)

This will be the first time I've done stuff from school on the computer that isn't related to like access | word | excel | publisher | etc.
It will also be the first time that I've used Microsoft Visio 2007 (or even heard of visio.) But the program looks well layed out just like other Microsoft programs.
Anyways looking through some of the book many of the logic pictures are somewhat similar to expression2 in garry's mod though somewhat different. Like when it starts talking about arrays it's setup like this:
if dep = 0 then
count[0] = count[0] + 1
if dep = 1 then
count[1] = count[1] + 1
and that continues on here until it hits 5 then does
I don't think it will be difficult, but that all depends on how fast the teacher is and so forth (at least I'm taking it in class instead of online.) So anyone have any tips or hints about this or like any knowledge that would be nice to share with me?