Before I go into detail, I NEED YOUR GUYZ'S FUCKING CORPORATIONS TO ADD TO THE MAP. Wither it be Doncorp computer chips, or jman car springs and dampers, or Serious Business United,
fucking post it and i'll take notice of it.So never the less, enjoy my 2 minute 15% accurate representation of the factory.

So far i've put for the ideas:
Doncop: Computer Chips
Jman: Car Spring Dampers
SBU (Serious Buisness United): Super anti-conductive anti-garry paste.
Super Toaster Co: Toasters
Grandma Bear's Cookies
and i'm too lazy to add the rest to this list, but hopefully i'll add something that will resemble your products ingame.
Now im beginning to plan out on wut the factory will be like, how big is it, how easy is it for traitors to hide out for the rest of the round, and overall geometry.
This shit is now in production.
I'm just setting up the basic walls for Cake Face Ltd.

Adding textures and adding moar complex's

Added custom skybox, added lighting, made a little complex for coolz+moolz. (If you havent noticed, those computers are from my
PC case pack)