Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Cable
Active, friendly, fair and reasonable. I don't see a reason why he shouldn't be admin
Cable would make an extremely good admin! He's a cool and collective guy, he's friendly and can handle himself in many situations. He's also very active in the community, and has created many good maps for the zombie survival server.
Not sure if want +-0
I'm not really sure ...
Cable has been demoted quite a few times from VIP, but he's a good guy.
+/-0, not sure if want.
--- Quote from: DoeniDon on November 26, 2011, 12:29:26 PM ---I'm not really sure ...
Cable has been demoted quite a few times from VIP, but he's a good guy.
+/-0, not sure if want.
--- End quote ---
Was basically thinking this. No offense.
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