if you believe that they should not get demoted you are a complete moron...
the reason for their demotion was abuse, they took advantage of it when sourcebans was down,
it does not matter if they did it for fun and some ppl wanted to be kicked, others might not have, it has nothing to do with oh its ok, sourcebans was down, they can rejoin...
that does not matter because they were kicked fromthe game preventing them from playing it... theres no other reason behind it, if u think they shouldnt be banned, then i should kick u from a game everytime i play because your so fking stupid.
as for me banning for reason a is because its a simple way of getting the player that has been banned by me to actually come to me to find out the reason and resolve it, even tho it only happens so much, it does help the player better understand what they did wrong and to stop it or whatever they do with the knowledge they get