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Everytime I press R on pump shotguns it shows the stats and its really annoying when you're trying to kill someone.

Better change the key for checking stats?


--- Quote from: [Valor]iPounce on October 06, 2015, 10:56:55 AM ---Everytime I press R on pump shotguns it shows the stats and its really annoying when you're trying to kill someone.

Better change the key for checking stats?

--- End quote ---

It's not really as easy as "changing a key". It displays ammo and gun info anytime you reload.

You can change the HUD scaling to make the text smaller though, with the f1 menu.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)If it's something that bothers a lot of people, and scaling your hud doesn't help, I might have it so if you disable the custom HUD elements it displays weapon stats somewhere else.


--- Quote from: Deathie on October 06, 2015, 11:33:59 AM ---It's not really as easy as "changing a key". It displays ammo and gun info anytime you reload.

You can change the HUD scaling to make the text smaller though, with the f1 menu.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)If it's something that bothers a lot of people, and scaling your hud doesn't help, I might have it so if you disable the custom HUD elements it displays weapon stats somewhere else.
--- End quote ---

Spoiler (click to show/hide)above the ammo count

M4, Pistol and Silence Pistol has the same ammo type right?

Silence pistol didn't share the ammo that I was using for M4

Monorail Cat:
I think the preparation timer for the first round after starting a new map needs to be significantly longer (at least 40 seconds) to allow people to download and join.

I would also like to mention the gun sounds again.  I understand that they are already reduced by 1/3, but the problem isn't necessarily the volume- it's the range that it can be heard from.  On most CS:S maps and other small maps, it's nearly impossible to figure out where guns are being shot from, which is pretty disorienting.


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