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TTT Bug fix/Dev thread
--- Quote from: ホロ on September 23, 2015, 11:37:14 AM ---I want to re-do the attachment system, any suggestions? People seem to not be fond of them being RNG controlled and not being able to remove/change them.
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Keep the RNG but make it so that the attachments are detachable. Wish the models on the ground accurately represented the attachments the gun would have.
--- Quote from: ursus on September 23, 2015, 01:58:22 PM ---attachment store for innocents pls
or yomocoin attachment shop even though i have no idea how those things work or how you get them
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This would be nice. Maybe even have the attachments go to a player's inventory that's saved on the server and you can attach/detach any compatible ones? Also if you use an attachment from your inventory/shop it's considered consumed at the end of the round?
--- Quote from: blαh2355 on September 23, 2015, 05:33:08 PM ---Keep the RNG but make it so that the attachments are detachable. Wish the models on the ground accurately represented the attachments the gun would have.
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At some point I plan to go through and re-assign CSS models to more accurately represent the weapons. The pump shotgun for instance uses the XM1014 gun model.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)It's actually totally possible to have the world models have the attachments. The attachments are seperate models that just become parented to the view models when you equip them.
It's not a hard thing to do, it'd just be tedious to set up the positioning for EVERY guns world model, and just be a little time consuming.
The real issue comes from the fact that there's no low LOD versions of the attachments, and it could impact peoples framerates pretty dramatically if they have to render a bunch of attachments on a bunch of guns.
--- Quote from: blαh2355 on September 23, 2015, 05:33:08 PM ---This would be nice. Maybe even have the attachments go to a player's inventory that's saved on the server and you can attach/detach any compatible ones? Also if you use an attachment from your inventory/shop it's considered consumed at the end of the round?
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That kind of stuff is also possible, I just don't have access to the points shop and can't really add any additional functionality to it.
Weapons glowing at the same time drops fps.
--- Quote from: [Valor]iPounce on September 25, 2015, 10:25:32 PM ---Weapons glowing at the same time drops fps.
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You can disable weapon glows in the F1 menu.
Monorail Cat:
1) The mechanic where it's possible to shoot through walls is kinda irritating sometimes. For example, when there's a traitor in a traitor room, the innocents can fire away and maybe kill him. There are other instances where it can be annoying, like when the traitor is trying to get away and closed a door to a hallway, but someone sprays through the door and gets him. I suggest either strongly nerf the damage guns do through walls, or completely remove the mechanic.
2) The M24 sniper rifle (I think that's what it is) was very awful for me today. I was standing still, and shot at someone's head, and it missed. I made several more shots while standing completely still, and not a single one hit. I don't know if it was a latency issue, but those were definitely shots that should have been hits.
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