Double posting for the bump. I'll be giving the weapons a decent update in a couple days.
I want to reformat the screen when you look at the weapon to look like the borderlands screen.
Anyone here up to the challenge of doing some
graphic design work, and making something for me?

I need something similar to the background of this. I have fonts, icons, etc. I just need a good backdrop to display the stats instead of the default gmod rounded border we're currently using.
I want it divided into three sections, like the above. Something for the name of the gun, stats of the weapon, and some extra flavor text on the chance the weapon has some sort of powerup.
You can also take your own approach to it. You don't have to make it identical to the borderlands one, just as long as I can display all the info. It should keep the dark color scheme though, since it'll make icon/font visibility easier.