Today, Valve unveiled the Source Engine 2 (Finally!). I know, I know. It's been floating around, and people were relatively sure it was being worked on, but Valve never confirmed it. It's the same thing as HL3- people are almost positive it will happen, but nobody knows when. That's why I'm excited for Source 2. It finally happened, and we are getting closer to HL3.
Gold Source was demonstrated with the original Half Life.
Source Engine was demonstrated with Half Life 2.
Source Engine 2 needs something to demonstrate it.
Valve announced their VR headset with HTC on Sunday. It will probably sell a lot, but not a ton.
What better way to get people to buy their headset while also demonstrating their brand new Source 2? Call me crazy, but I'm betting it's gonna be Half Life 3. with this, they also priced their Steam Controller and the Steam Machine, though they have since been pulled from the market. They also announced their Steam Link, which will let you stream games at high speeds in your home.