Sup. It's Ryu, from old RND. I came back from the dead to make a request. Me and my homies(Striker, Allandu, Marjuice, etc..) have been jumping around from flood server to flood server, looking for a good place to stay and play video games without any faggotry going on. Unfortunately, every server we came across is either filled with SJW admins or some kind of "donate to win" shit going on. You couldn't play a match without some stupid fucking kids ruining absolutely everything or some kind of VIP donor gang annihilating everyone else with their pay2win bullshit.
Now we all remember the good old RND Flood server, I presume. Those were the good days, no fucking overpowered shit going on or anything else gamebreaking, and only based admins that could take a joke and not ban you for the most nonsensical reasons.
What my point is. You (Coolz, that is) should reopen the flood server just so we can have at least one good server in the whole fucking game. I know, it costs a fortune (well, not really) to host another server but come the fuck on, why did you even close down the flood server in the first place, or any of the servers that you used to host? I'm not really up to date on this so you can just fill me in if it's clear.
Now please don't reply with "lol who da fuk r u xD?!?" or any of that stupid shit. This is real talk. Anybody who joined after 2010 doesn't even have a right to speak here.
I won't be able to reply to most things since I'm pretty busy so, think before typing.