Restricted (Read Only) > VIPs

Suggestion, Vote Kill.

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Bomb Squad:

--- Quote from: coolzeldad on June 13, 2014, 08:14:48 PM ---You listed how, but why is this necessary? Helpful how?

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AFK in gamemaster, TTT AFKs, etc


--- Quote from: Bomb Squad on June 13, 2014, 08:41:41 PM ---AFK in gamemaster, TTT AFKs, etc

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Uh, votekick?


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on June 13, 2014, 10:00:42 PM --- Uh, votekick?

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On Fretta when we are playing.
There are sometimes people that are afk for a few minutes and that than a couple of times.
And on some gamemodes you can't change to spectator mode.
In my opinion it would be much more kind and better to kill/slay the person then to kick him multiple times.

This definitely would be useful for many gamemodes on fretta such as deathrun or stalker. Often having ability to slay someone would be much better then vote kicking him which also bans him for 5 minutes. This has also been requested numerous times before and I believe that even I have made a thread requesting for voteslay addition, so unless adding this feature would require decent amound of work, I don't see why we shouldn't have it on our servers.

This Cactus:

--- Quote from: Frank on June 13, 2014, 03:49:31 PM ---Wasn't voteslay a thing?

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I suggested that ;-;


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