So, which case do you think is more likely to be true, a claim that LGBT issues aren't related to politics by someone who himself isn't interested in politics or a claim that LGBT issues are related to politics by someone who has been interested in politics for a while? You know the answer.
I hope you realize that this kind of sarcasm of yours was put in a very bad time. I personally find it hard to think that it was sarcasm even now, but since you assured me that it is, I do kind of see it now.
Even if your greatly insightful Oxford dictionary isn't mentioning religion, it still doesn't change the fact that marriage originated from it and I don't see how extra definition that "(in some jurisdictions) a formal union between partners of the same sex" supports your argument. It just tells us that there are places in the world where same sex couples can get married.
I feel that legalizing homosexual marriage would only degrade it's value and would probably contribute to increasing the divorce rate which is already pretty high in some places. I also don't think it's necessary for homosexuals to be able to marry each other, they are different then us after all when it comes to sexual orientation, I also personally find homosexuality quite disgusting(except for maybe lesbians lol but hey, other females would probably find female on female act displeasing so I have to be fair lol) and because of it I don't want to see it being promoted. But seriously can we just drop this already? I've started this thread to discuss gender not traditional values or homosexual marriage and I am really not interested in doing so because we've already had multiple discussions on this topic before so please let's just get away from this topic because I probably won't bother discussing this issue in this thread anymore.
What exactly makes you think that all this transgender bullshit isn't harming anyone or anything? In fact I do believe it does contribute greatly to the moral decay in today's society and transgender people easily fit the definition of a degenerate. When will you people realize that allowing everyone to be and do whatever the hell they want with themselves can be extremely harmful to the society? I repeat my self saying that there must be high moral standards who would apply to everyone without exception and we shouldn't tell to those people who fail to meet those standards that it's okay because by doing so we're basically saying that our society should have high moral standards but you don't have to if you don't want, this isn't something people should be allowed to choose.
I can't tell if it's the self-righteous belligerent attitude or the language barrier that makes you unable to understand what I say.
a claim that LGBT issues aren't related to politics
Where is such a claim? I see none.

In other words I'm saying there's a difference. While it is related to politics, I need no more political knowledge than I already have to have a valid opinion on the things discussed as it is not directly political. The only additional background information to support my opinion or anyone else for that matter is knowledge of my own (or their own) moral values.
It's like me saying that you can't have an opinion because you don't communicate with the LGBT community on a regular basis or are not part of it yourself. I've probably spoken to and heard more from these people than you have, whereas I choose not to use that as an argument to devalue your opinion. Besides, it's better that people have different sources for their opinions and information as different perspectives are shown. You'd recognize that if you actually wanted to hear (or god forbid reason) with perspectives other than your own.
If you still disagree, however, and think what I say has no meaning since I don't spend as much time researching politics and events then I would like to hear a specific example of where my opinion would be illegitimate for that reason. Give an example of something political I must know as well.
I mean really if it's so ideal (and I agree with you) then I may just do some browsing to learn more for the sake of the argument. Convince me.
And a tip I might add. You don't convince people to share your views by force or by proving you're more important. Give good reasoning. Keep in mind that when it came down to it we actually shared (and still do share) the same basic opinion on the gender issue. However, I very very strongly disagree with your reasoning and the authoritative approach you use to back the opinion. Really, I wouldn't want to be associated with it.
I hope you realize that this kind of sarcasm of yours was put in a very bad time.
I thought it was pretty clear especially since it was repetitive.
Even if your greatly insightful Oxford dictionary isn't mentioning religion, it still doesn't change the fact that marriage originated from it and I don't see how extra definition that "(in some jurisdictions) a formal union between partners of the same sex" supports your argument. It just tells us that there are places in the world where same sex couples can get married.
I never disagreed lol. Nor would I, it originated from religion. However the point I made (which you didn't address) is that it has already changed as everything else does, enough that even the oxford dictionary hasn't included any mention of religion in it's description.
Adding that extra definition was just a side point because you're usually pretty hard on definitions (the gender issue), and I thought it was worth noting that gay marriage is now a part of the definition, despite marriage's origin.
I also applaud your sarcasm.
=I feel that legalizing homosexual marriage would only degrade it's value and would probably contribute to increasing the divorce rate which is already pretty high in some places.
You supplied an idea, back it up with some information. Use your political knowledge, it's inferior.
they are different then us after all when it comes to sexual orientation, I also personally find homosexuality quite disgusting(except for maybe lesbians lol but hey, other females would probably find female on female act displeasing so I have to be fair lol)
You're not being forced into their sexual practices so I don't see how that's relevant. I find it gross too as I imagine most straight men would but that doesn't mean I'm going to prevent them from having freedom to do as they please in that regard. It's not affecting me.
But seriously can we just drop this already? I've started this thread to discuss gender not traditional values or homosexual marriage and I am really not interested in doing so because we've already had multiple discussions on this topic before so please let's just get away from this topic because I probably won't bother discussing this issue in this thread anymore.
Na, if you want to drop a topic you don't make several paragraphs long of counter-argument (if that's what you'd call it) and then just say "but hey, I don't want to talk about this." Expect a hefty response if you do so. Plus you and ursus went off topic about Jews previously because of a comment you made about them in your original post, but you didn't halt that discussion. Besides I brought it up because it is related to the original topic. Gay marriage has probably been the most controversial change that's being pushed by the LGBT community. If you were to become more open or accepting of gay marriage you'd most likely be more open about the other changes they ask for (the gender issue). It's also an example of how they're simply trying to get equal rights and to be considered as human as you or me, not to overrule and ruin tradition and morals and whatever else. Which brings me to something else which I didn't cover earlier.
I made a typo, when I said quality I meant so say equality. Also just to reassure you there are no disputing that care of others and respect for others are values.
If that's the case then relate this to you wanting limited rights for the LGBT people. How can you mention true equality when you have no support or willingness to reason with LGBT people, Jews, or for mixing races. Hell I don't know about you but that sounds like a lot of different social classes you want people divided between, and those are only the ones that you've either mentioned on this thread or to me personally so I'm sure there are more.
When will you people realize that allowing everyone to be and do whatever the hell they want with themselves can be extremely harmful to the society?
You have a very odd sense of equality. I may have to bring out my greatly insightful Oxford dictionary again.
For the record, if you still don't wish to discuss the marriage matter that's fine. You choose what you comment on. However it is relevant and a lot of what's discussed can be applied to the original discussion.
I do not think that existence of transsexuals is necessarily harmful to the society, however accepting it as something that's normal or alright does. Why? Because such acts of one individual changing his/her gender are disgusting and absolutely unnatural.
I made a typo, when I said quality I meant so say equality. Also just to reassure you there are no disputing that care of others and respect for others are values.
Where do your moral standards of equality apply here?
I'm sorry but you must be really fragile if you can't handle a few gay guys gone gals.