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New Gender Options for Facebook Users
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: ursus on February 19, 2014, 01:15:45 PM ---What does this even mean? Please check the syntax of your posts in the future.
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If you dunno what that means, then it's beyond me.
--- Quote ---I don't think you understand how gender psychology actually works. Are you just making up this imaginary narrative as you go along based on what you've heard? Have you actually spoken to any transgender people rather than hearing stories on news sites that you subscribe to because they align closely with your political views? The extent to which you all ignore your own confirmation bias is astounding.
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You claim I don't know any transgendered people, yet I highly doubt you've ever spoken to someone that has their reasons against it.
--- Quote ---On whose authority? Do you speak for the entire human race, from which you conveniently exclude people you don't like? You only think that transgender people won't be accepted because you refuse to listen to anyone who does. (Again, reminding you that they are people, not an abstract concept that you can accept or deny.)
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If you think society will 100% accept transgenders, then you should really try to break out of the tumblr world and enter reality every once in a while.
--- Quote ---English.
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Ursus pls
--- Quote ---This isn't even an argument on your part. It's just you complaining about how stupid you think it is. Are you just trying to spam the thread or something?
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Just like you trying to mask your complaining using 3 length essays on why those who don't agree are wrong?
--- Quote ---What's a pink agenda? What actions of yours are being forced because of it? The only thing in your life that's different because of this is you choosing to vehemently attack their rights and identities with zero direct provocation.
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I'm surprised you don't honestly know what that means by now. God forbid if someone disagrees with something. In this case, only LGBT should have the only opinion and the right to speak.
--- Quote ---Also, what is the content of the agenda itself, since you're so angry about it? Do you think that they're trying to convince people to acknowledge their humanity and afford them basic courtesy and respect for some sinister purpose? Do you think that transgender people make up their entire lives and identities just so an online news site they have no stake in can profit from it? Where are these imaginary evil motives you're referring to?
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Once again, please, go watch any modern media source. How do you expect me and others to respect them when they do shit like this infront of everyone:
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I don't even need to add further.
Also you'd be surprised how many openly gay/trans/LGBT members will bash religion and trash traditional values because of the "muh oppression" movement. That, and most of them usually cannot understand the concept of "not everyone agrees with you". Example: See the Chick-fil-A and the disagreement of gay marriage.
--- Quote ---Yes. They want to have normal lives. They would like nothing better than to see absolutely no reason to talk to you about their problems or their identity. You and them seem to want the same thing.
This is not the case because trans people, as it stands, have to live their lives in constant fear of physical abuse, murder, verbal and emotional abuse from their family and even psychologists/therapists. It doesn't help that there are people who refuse to even acknowledge them or these fears because they disagree with their entire existence.
There's quite a sizable amount of these people. Do you believe they're all choosing to completely fabricate the exact same types of experiences across the world, independently of one another, just to satisfy a desire for attention? Where is the logic in this? I've offered you detailed and sound explanations for why they're speaking out and you're still insisting that it's all for some kind of "agenda."
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Gee, I wonder how many trans people you talked to live outside of your extremely biased community. A transgender person doesn't live in fear every day of their life unless they purposely wear degrading clothing, have inappropriate behavior, and live in an extremely conservative area. I don't know where you get your credible sources from, saying that transgendered people get the shit beat out of them often, as you put it, and hated upon by many. Believe it or not, I have friends that are gay, or support gay rights, and you know what? They do nothing wrong to get hatred. They dress normal, talk normal, act normal, just the only thing is they like the same sex. They don't go on and tell me about how they're gay and I should have to treat them different. One of my very close friends actively supports gay marriage and the LGBT community, and he knows I very much disagree. But I don't look down upon him or disrespect him, nor does he look down upon me. They don't do the shit that LGBT attention seeking whores do.
No one will have a problem with a transgendered person if they don't do out-casting, "look at me I'm different", attention seeking crap. Wearing normal clothes or engaging in normal behaviors won't provoke anyone, since the city I live has them almost in the millions range, compared to the millions who travel here everyday. Dunno if I told you, but yes I do interact with one or two on a weekly basis, there's nothing for me to be angered by them for, they don't do provoking shit or force their beliefs on me, even though I find it wrong that they are. At least gays are happy with their body, unlike a tranny who is too confused/screwed up in the head to choose what side.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 01:02:14 PM ---Unless you're afraid you'll hook up a chick with a dick. In which case, better luck next time skippy.
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Sabb pls, no, pls.
--- Quote from: Cake Faice on February 19, 2014, 01:44:34 PM ---If you dunno what that means, then it's beyond me.
You claim I don't know any transgendered people, yet I highly doubt you've ever spoken to someone that has their reasons against it.
If you think society will 100% accept transgenders, then you should really try to break out of the tumblr world and enter reality every once in a while.
Ursus pls
Just like you trying to mask your complaining using 3 length essays on why those who don't agree are wrong?
I'm surprised you don't honestly know what that means by now. God forbid if someone disagrees with something. In this case, only LGBT should have the only opinion and the right to speak.
Once again, please, go watch any modern media source. How do you expect me and others to respect them when they do shit like this infront of everyone:
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I don't even need to add further.
Also you'd be surprised how many openly gay/trans/LGBT members will bash religion and trash traditional values because of the "muh oppression" movement. That, and most of them usually cannot understand the concept of "not everyone agrees with you". Example: See the Chick-fil-A and the disagreement of gay marriage.
Gee, I wonder how many trans people you talked to live outside of your extremely biased community. A transgender person doesn't live in fear every day of their life unless they purposely wear degrading clothing, have inappropriate behavior, and live in an extremely conservative area. I don't know where you get your credible sources from, saying that transgendered people get the shit beat out of them often, as you put it, and hated upon by many. Believe it or not, I have friends that are gay, or support gay rights, and you know what? They do nothing wrong to get hatred. They dress normal, talk normal, act normal, just the only thing is they like the same sex. They don't go on and tell me about how they're gay and I should have to treat them different. One of my very close friends actively supports gay marriage and the LGBT community, and he knows I very much disagree. But I don't look down upon him or disrespect him, nor does he look down upon me. They don't do the shit that LGBT attention seeking whores do.
No one will have a problem with a transgendered person if they don't do out-casting, "look at me I'm different", attention seeking crap. Wearing normal clothes or engaging in normal behaviors won't provoke anyone, since the city I live has them almost in the millions range, compared to the millions who travel here everyday. Dunno if I told you, but yes I do interact with one or two on a weekly basis, there's nothing for me to be angered by them for, they don't do provoking shit or force their beliefs on me, even though I find it wrong that they are. At least gays are happy with their body, unlike a tranny who is too confused/screwed up in the head to choose what side.
Sabb pls, no, pls.
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Do you believe it's their fault that they're uncomfortable in their body?
In my opinion there's something biological or maybe psychological for them to truly feel that way. I'm not talking about the attention seeking ones. There are people who simply feel they don't belong in the body they've been given and while I can't relate, I can't blame them either and so, why not let them live their lives as they wish? That question has still been left unanswered.
And on another note you literally used the counter-argument I was going to use to your argument in your own post.
--- Quote from: Cake Faice on February 19, 2014, 01:44:34 PM ---Once again, please, go watch any modern media source. How do you expect me and others to respect them when they do shit like this infront of everyone:
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I don't even need to add further.
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--- Quote from: Cake Faice on February 19, 2014, 01:44:34 PM ---No one will have a problem with a transgendered person if they don't do out-casting, "look at me I'm different", attention seeking crap. Wearing normal clothes or engaging in normal behaviors won't provoke anyone, since the city I live has them almost in the millions range, compared to the millions who travel here everyday. Dunno if I told you, but yes I do interact with one or two on a weekly basis, there's nothing for me to be angered by them for, they don't do provoking shit or force their beliefs on me, even though I find it wrong that they are. At least gays are happy with their body, unlike a tranny who is too confused/screwed up in the head to choose what side.
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Cross-dressing isn't for attention. Maybe for some very select few people, but that's not generally the reason they do it. I don't have tolerance for the people who I feel do throw their sexual orientation in everyone's face for attention though. But they're not all like that.
It's just like calling all Christians preachers or atheists bigots. Blame the individual, not a group they've been associated with. I think I said something similar in another post in this thread.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 11:29:37 AM ---There's no more to discuss here. I've said too many times that what we're talking about isn't directly political.
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So, which case do you think is more likely to be true, a claim that LGBT issues aren't related to politics by someone who himself isn't interested in politics or a claim that LGBT issues are related to politics by someone who has been interested in politics for a while? You know the answer.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 11:29:37 AM ---http://lmgtfy.com/?q=define+sarcasm
I do not think /pol/ is your only source of information.
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I hope you realize that this kind of sarcasm of yours was put in a very bad time. I personally find it hard to think that it was sarcasm even now, but since you assured me that it is, I do kind of see it now.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 11:29:37 AM ---
Marriage is actually now just as much if not more simply for legalities. For example, people with no religious values certainly can and do get married. Notice that the definition (from the Oxford dictionary) doesn't even mention religion. In fact...
Adoption. If a husband or wife in a traditional marriage is infertile does that mean they shouldn't get married since they can't have children of their own? The only purpose of marriage isn't to raise a family. I know many married couples who don't ever want children including one of my neighbours.
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Even if your greatly insightful Oxford dictionary isn't mentioning religion, it still doesn't change the fact that marriage originated from it and I don't see how extra definition that "(in some jurisdictions) a formal union between partners of the same sex" supports your argument. It just tells us that there are places in the world where same sex couples can get married.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 11:29:37 AM ---Why is it necessary for someone like you to have marriage? You can like a woman and live with her too, you don't have to marry her. It's about equality.
It's all about treating people with respect, decency, and improving the lives of others. Your values of marriage or life or anything don't have to change to adapt to them. Hell, you don't even have to acknowledge them, but at least let them live equally and allow them to have their own values because it really doesn't affect you. I believe this is also relevant to the gender issue which is why I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of other genders, though I still don't support it either.
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I feel that legalizing homosexual marriage would only degrade it's value and would probably contribute to increasing the divorce rate which is already pretty high in some places. I also don't think it's necessary for homosexuals to be able to marry each other, they are different then us after all when it comes to sexual orientation, I also personally find homosexuality quite disgusting(except for maybe lesbians lol but hey, other females would probably find female on female act displeasing so I have to be fair lol) and because of it I don't want to see it being promoted. But seriously can we just drop this already? I've started this thread to discuss gender not traditional values or homosexual marriage and I am really not interested in doing so because we've already had multiple discussions on this topic before so please let's just get away from this topic because I probably won't bother discussing this issue in this thread anymore.
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 19, 2014, 01:02:14 PM ---I never said it's normal nor do I think it is or will ever be. Biologically it's certainly abnormal. That doesn't mean it can't be accepted. I see no harm in allowing them freedom of their own sexual orientation and personal practices so long as it doesn't harm anyone or anything else.
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What exactly makes you think that all this transgender bullshit isn't harming anyone or anything? In fact I do believe it does contribute greatly to the moral decay in today's society and transgender people easily fit the definition of a degenerate. When will you people realize that allowing everyone to be and do whatever the hell they want with themselves can be extremely harmful to the society? I repeat my self saying that there must be high moral standards who would apply to everyone without exception and we shouldn't tell to those people who fail to meet those standards that it's okay because by doing so we're basically saying that our society should have high moral standards but you don't have to if you don't want, this isn't something people should be allowed to choose.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 20, 2014, 08:03:28 AM ---What exactly makes you think that all this transgender bullshit isn't harming anyone or anything? In fact I do believe it does contribute greatly to the moral decay in today's society and transgender people easily fit the definition of a degenerate. When will you people realize that allowing everyone to be and do whatever the hell they want with themselves can be extremely harmful to the society? I repeat my self saying that there must be high moral standards who would apply to everyone without exception and we shouldn't tell to those people who fail to meet those standards that it's okay because by doing so we're basically saying that our society should have high moral standards but you don't have to if you don't want, this isn't something people should be allowed to choose.
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Two things.
First, can you offer literally any evidence that this is true? Saying it's true isn't enough. You can't just assert that the existence of a group of people is harmful to society because you think it is.
Second, this isn't something people can choose like you say. Transgender people have been around just as long as humanity itself, but they were never open about their identities because it would get them killed or exiled on the spot. It still does, but fortunately the internet allows them to function as a group and wield more power to protect themselves that way.
You do know that we (I, at least) live in a democracy right? It's not your will that determines the fate of humanity. If a majority of people support something, it eventually happens. No law can be "forced" on anyone unless it's by politicians, who at the very least have to worry about re-election.
--- Quote from: ursus on February 20, 2014, 08:40:13 AM ---First, can you offer literally any evidence that this is true? Saying it's true isn't enough. You can't just assert that the existence of a group of people is harmful to society because you think it is.
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I do not think that existence of transsexuals is necessarily harmful to the society, however accepting it as something that's normal or alright does. Why? Because such acts of one individual changing his/her gender are disgusting and absolutely unnatural.
--- Quote from: ursus on February 20, 2014, 08:40:13 AM ---Second, this isn't something people can choose like you say. Transgender people have been around just as long as humanity itself
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I'm sorry but it is hard not to laugh at this statement. They absolutely have the ability to choose it because in order to become a trans gender person you have to make a decision to perform such surgery. I also wasn't aware that people back in the stone age had the technology to perform complex surgeries to change their gender with stone tools.
--- Quote from: ursus on February 20, 2014, 08:40:13 AM ---You do know that we (I, at least) live in a democracy right? It's not your will that determines the fate of humanity. If a majority of people support something, it eventually happens. No law can be "forced" on anyone unless it's by politicians, who at the very least have to worry about re-election.
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People can be persuaded to accept transsexuals trough media just as easy as they were persuaded into wars, especially today when television and the Internet has become so influential to our society. Also I do not think that majority of people approve of transsexuals just yet.
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