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New Gender Options for Facebook Users
New Gender Options for Facebook Users
It is an undisputed fact that there are only two genders: male and female. Not according to the progressives. I also think it's worth mentioning that out of 3 people who were interviewed in this video 1 is a jew, another one is a transfaggot and third one is an LGBT/transgender-activist. How adorable.
Now seriously, how in the hell are there people who actually think that this is okay or that it makes sense? You might say that if I don't like it I shouldn't care especially since I don't use Facebook but the thing is that shit like this is not going to stop here it will spread further just like LGBT "values" are right now, not to mention that it's only a matter of time until liberals think of a new form of degeneracy to spread around.
Yes, I'm that desperate for a discussion.
The traditional concept of gender (male and female) has become a lot more complicated than it once was.
[MASS NOUN] the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones):
Personally while I have no problem with the LGTB community, I find altering the definition of gender to be going to a bit of an extreme... In my opinion, gender should be only defined by which sex you are because that's always been my understanding of it. When asked what gender I am whether it be for documentation on something or a personal question, I never assume the person wants to know my sexual preference because it's generally irrelevant. If I want to know someone's sexual orientation I would ask what their sexual orientation is, not gender. I guess people are wanting to change this in support of the LGTB community, however?
It's cool that everyone's becoming so supportive of people who have differences or specifically different sexual orientations, but I feel like the whole gender definition thing is a bit unnecessary. Especially because people absolutely use this kind of thing for the wrong reason. What I mean is when a person's asked "Are you male or female?" and they respond as if they're offended "What about pansexual, transexual, etc, etc because I'm neither of those I would like to be called a transexual!" While I again have no issue with anyone who has a different sexual orientation than me, I find that very irritating because I don't think people like that are expressing it for the right reason. If you're being asked that, chances are the person REALLY doesn't want to know or need to know what you prefer to do with your genitals. For example, if you're filling out an application for a job and rather than checking male or female you write in pangender or really anything not male or female, chance are you're not going to be taken seriously. Not because it's different but because it's too much information. It's often used for attention in my opinion. I'm absolutely not saying everyone does that though, just some very irritating people. Basically majority of Tumblr for example.
On a side note I understand that for transexuals it could be hard to decide to be identified by male or female, but usually they like to identify themselves as one gender anyways. So I still don't really see it necessary to have trans-male, trans-female etc. Though I don't find that quite as big of a deal as people wanting actual sexual orientations to be noted for gender such as something like female-bisexual since I've heard arguments with people actually wanting that option.
TL;DR I have no issue with the LGTB community, but I feel this is unnecessary.
Check ur privilege!!!!
Cake Faice:
I entirely disagree with the LGTB's unnecessary advancements a whole. It IS unnecessary to have 50 different definitions of a gender, just because someone has a mental issue where they can't decide if they are a girl or a boy based on whether they have male or female genitalia. I don't believe you can be "genderless" or "nonbinary" or this cis woman/cis man bullshit, just because you feel "uncomfortable" with who you are. The only time where you would claim yourself that is if you were born with an extremely rare, genetic disease where you have no genitalia. Like seriously, this was a stupid addition on facebook's part, just to pander for a unnecessary cause.
On facebook's part, I just see it as pure marketing.
- By increasing the options you open your social platform to a new or revitalized market.
- By increasing the variety you stir up controversy, or press, regarding your social platform.
Especially important for a platform that revolves around the differences of people I suppose.
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