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Author Topic: New Gender Options for Facebook Users  (Read 737 times)

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #75 on: February 18, 2014, 09:10:34 AM »
 each other and treat others as they themselves
 want to be treated"
Hehehe... Funny.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #76 on: February 18, 2014, 10:02:01 AM »
Which basically means to abolish all standards essentially. If some man wears a dress or paints his house ugly as you say then he should be ready to face criticism and humiliation by the public. Why? Because he's not living up the moral standards of our society. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against change and new things, I welcome them, but those new things have to be decent and share good values as opposed to your example of a man wearing a dress or painting their house ugly, there is no need to kill or hurt them, but when they get harassed by others they shouldn't be surprised why. Basically we should only support change that's good and enriches our culture as opposed to moving it backwards.
It really is disappointing to see people nowadays treating our values upon which entire nations were built like dirt.
Now I'm not saying that other groups have to bow down to us, they just shouldn't expect special treatment and make such a big deal out of every little thing that goes wrong to them and yell "discrimination!". Those minority groups should also respect our culture and they shouldn't have anymore rights in changing our culture then we do because right now it is the minorities that are in the lead, at least in the so called "Western world". The needs of many outweigh the needs of the few.

Now what are the morals and values for me? Well I probably won't list everything but I'll try to mention a few important ones that will come to my mind: nationalism, love, real quality, friendship, a lot of morals can also usually be found in religion which teaches people to respect each other and treat others as they themselves want to be treated etc., a sense of pride and dignity, respect for marriage and family values, helpfulness, wanting to positively contribute to the society, being proud and respecting your culture and heritage. I'd probably could think of more but I think it's good enough for the sake of this argument. It also scares me how some people these days are referring to religion as bigoted or full of hate, I'm not a hard core Catholic but I just cannot comprehend how any sane individual can actually think so.
Then wouldn't it be suitable for me to remove all your posts form this thread since your opinions becoming a minority, as in most people posting now are disagree with a lot of your views (not necessarily the ones about gender options). Just like you feel that the LGBT community should have no say since they're a minority group, maybe I feel the same about you and that your opinion should be disregarded and to be never noted.

Funny thing though is that you're ignoring a key point where more and more people who aren't a part of the LGBT community are in support of them and their views. That means the majority of people are starting to accept other's views and personal practices, shaming them less and raising their quality of living overall. It's not a minority if they're in the lead. They're clearly well supported, and in my opinion for good reason. This gives these people pride and dignity. Because they want change for themselves doesn't mean they don't respect others or their opinions.

Respect for marriage?
Ignoring the fact that it's from about.com, it's become incredibly popular for marriage to be used for a variety of things like publicity, money, etc essentially nothing that I believe marriage is intended for. Sorry but you're not in the 1600s, marriage is already very different. This is spreading to another debate, but I don't see why marriage can't be simply for two individuals of any race, gender, etc who want such a commitment. You say you value love for your morals, so why would you exclude those who experience love differently?

Family values? That's great. Family's important.
Zach Wahls Speaks About Family
Do take the time to watch that. Some really good points are made and in my opinion. It's people, families, like that which makes me so confident in my beliefs in this regard.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 10:10:52 AM by Sabb »

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #77 on: February 18, 2014, 11:18:52 AM »
Actually, I'd like to be educated on this. Please explain, if you are able, how Jews as an entire nation of people and as a race are all guilty of oppressing others. I'm happy to learn. Also, on a side note, would you say that they're a form of degeneracy as well? Just curious.
Jews basically kicked out Palestinians out of their own nation and right now at the very moment we speak the Palestinians are being treated like cattle. They also have use chemical weapons on them as well(white phosphorous).
Then there's Iran which is under constant threat by Israel. Israel has been saying that Iran is a year or two away from achieving a nuclear weapon for the last few decades, not to mention that Israel has plenty of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. They're trying their hardest to steer USA and the world in yet another war, they also almost succeeded at brining USA to a war against Syria, but thank God that plan has crashed and burned, although Syria is in a very bad shape at the moment.
Then there's also constant jewish support for mass emigration for Europe And USA meanwhile in Israel they preach for exactly the opposite - no immigration and no intermarriage.
Mandatory article dump commencing:Israel shills edition:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Top lel of the day: http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.566021
Check out this lovely person: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2010/10/gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews-rabbi-ovadia-yosef-says-234.html

Mandatory image dump commencing:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hmmm, but why don't people ever hear about this? Maybe it has something to do with this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Lol, there's literally hundreds if not thousands of articles and videos all across the world about this, you just have to be willing to spend your time on it.

 each other and treat others as they themselves
 want to be treated"
Hehehe... Funny.
Yes, I'm sure those groups who push for tolerance are very tolerant to those who disagree with them and they never resort to name calling ever.

Then wouldn't it be suitable for me to remove all your posts form this thread since your opinions becoming a minority, as in most people posting now are disagree with a lot of your views (not necessarily the ones about gender options). Just like you feel that the LGBT community should have no say since they're a minority group, maybe I feel the same about you and that your opinion should be disregarded and to be never noted.
Where in this thread I have ever said that the opinions of minorities should never be heard and noted? Also this is a forum where there aren't that much people involved relatively speaking besides it's not like I'm the only one who shares similar beliefs on these forums. I'm also not a minority, in here, and even in the entire world in general I'm sure that there are a lot of people who could agree with my ideas(not with all of them of course).

Funny thing though is that you're ignoring a key point where more and more people who aren't a part of the LGBT community are in support of them and their views. That means the majority of people are starting to accept other's views and personal practices, shaming them less and raising their quality of living overall. It's not a minority if they're in the lead. They're clearly well supported, and in my opinion for good reason. This gives these people pride and dignity. Because they want change for themselves doesn't mean they don't respect others or their opinions.
Funny thing though, in European countries, Russia and in probably a few other big countries there is no push in the media for things like LGBT rights, but there is also no discrimination on them as well, meanwhile when you look at USA for example, there's lot of push for LGBT values in media, movies, social media. Gee I wonder why all of this "tolerance" is coming mainly from the west and people who live there seem to share those views more much more then your average Russian or European. Lol.

Respect for marriage?
Ignoring the fact that it's from about.com, it's become incredibly popular for marriage to be used for a variety of things like publicity, money, etc essentially nothing that I believe marriage is intended for. Sorry but you're not in the 1600s, marriage is already very different. This is spreading to another debate, but I don't see why marriage can't be simply for two individuals of any race, gender, etc who want such a commitment. You say you value love for your morals, so why would you exclude those who experience love differently?
The fact that people are now viewing marriage as a way to gain money, publicity and attention and the fact that the divorce race has dramatically increased in like the last century(especially in USA) is clearly a sign of moral degeneracy. You have to pretty stupid to disagree with that. Also 1600s? Try 1900s.

Family values? That's great. Family's important.
Zach Wahls Speaks About Family
Do take the time to watch that. Some really good points are made and in my opinion. It's people, families, like that which makes me so confident in my beliefs in this regard.
That's great, now try this one:

What I'm saying by this is that there will always be people like in your video and situations like in my example. This thread is about gender(for the most part I guess) so if you'd like to discuss family values I suggest you to make a separate thread because it would require a separate discussion for it.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #78 on: February 18, 2014, 12:01:52 PM »
For thousands of years, adult males married girls around 13yo, why should we change that if it's alright.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #79 on: February 18, 2014, 12:11:01 PM »
Jews basically kicked out Palestinians out of their own nation and right now at the very moment we speak the Palestinians are being treated like cattle. They also have use chemical weapons on them as well(white phosphorous).
Then there's Iran which is under constant threat by Israel. Israel has been saying that Iran is a year or two away from achieving a nuclear weapon for the last few decades, not to mention that Israel has plenty of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. They're trying their hardest to steer USA and the world in yet another war, they also almost succeeded at brining USA to a war against Syria, but thank God that plan has crashed and burned, although Syria is in a very bad shape at the moment.
Then there's also constant jewish support for mass emigration for Europe And USA meanwhile in Israel they preach for exactly the opposite - no immigration and no intermarriage.
Mandatory article dump commencing:Israel shills edition:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Top lel of the day: http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/1.566021
Check out this lovely person: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2010/10/gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews-rabbi-ovadia-yosef-says-234.html

Mandatory image dump commencing:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Hmmm, but why don't people ever hear about this? Maybe it has something to do with this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Lol, there's literally hundreds if not thousands of articles and videos all across the world about this, you just have to be willing to spend your time on it.

Yes, I'm sure those groups who push for tolerance are very tolerant to those who disagree with them and they never resort to name calling ever.

Where in this thread I have ever said that the opinions of minorities should never be heard and noted? Also this is a forum where there aren't that much people involved relatively speaking besides it's not like I'm the only one who shares similar beliefs on these forums. I'm also not a minority, in here, and even in the entire world in general I'm sure that there are a lot of people who could agree with my ideas(not with all of them of course).
Funny thing though, in European countries, Russia and in probably a few other big countries there is no push in the media for things like LGBT rights, but there is also no discrimination on them as well, meanwhile when you look at USA for example, there's lot of push for LGBT values in media, movies, social media. Gee I wonder why all of this "tolerance" is coming mainly from the west and people who live there seem to share those views more much more then your average Russian or European. Lol.
The fact that people are now viewing marriage as a way to gain money, publicity and attention and the fact that the divorce race has dramatically increased in like the last century(especially in USA) is clearly a sign of moral degeneracy. You have to pretty stupid to disagree with that. Also 1600s? Try 1900s.
That's great, now try this one:

What I'm saying by this is that there will always be people like in your video and situations like in my example. This thread is about gender(for the most part I guess) so if you'd like to discuss family values I suggest you to make a separate thread because it would require a separate discussion for it.
About marriage: the point is that marriage is already abused by those who have rights to marry. Honestly I see no good reason that allowing same sex marriage would demean it aside from because a book tells you so. You said in the your post about morals that people need to make their own decisions and that is why I don't allow a text to determine my judgement.

Where in this thread I have ever said that the opinions of minorities should never be heard and noted?
You've said several times that majority know you right and implied that therefore your opinion shouldn't be challenged.

I'm not going to quote and respond to everything you said as you missed the point of my post. I was relating how you described your moral standards to the LGBT community's movement and why maybe they should be supported.

About the last picture you shared however tragic that is it's certainly as likely if not more to happen in a household with parents not of the same gender as they have far less pressure on them.

Also it's not like the thread hasn't already deterred from the original post at one point or another. The reason I bring up these other seemingly unrelated things is because I can still relate it back to the topic. Again I'm getting an understanding of your morals and comparing it to what's been said.

For the record I find it ironic that you've dismissed points made by ursus because he uses tumblr as a source of information whilst your images are fro funnyjunk as it seems.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #80 on: February 18, 2014, 12:35:44 PM »
For thousands of years, adult males married girls around 13yo, why should we change that if it's alright.
Do you seriously think that's a good argument against preserving traditional values?

Also, on a side note, would you say that they're a form of degeneracy as well? Just curious.
The term degeneracy is used to refer at certain activities or values for example gay marriage or those kind of MLP autists who photoshop themselves with ponies(for God's sake I'm just using this as an example don't get all mad about it). However you can call other people or jews degenerates. Now do I think that jews are degenerates? No. If you take a look at Israel and the jews who live there, they definitely don't seem degenerative. In fact as far as I know gay marriage isn't legalized in Israel and nobody in the governments are really trying to change that, they also are against illegal immigration, they also don't like the idea of mixing with other cultures too. Funny thing is that a lot of Israelis would probably agree with my views on marriage, multiculturalism and traditional values much more then they would agree with you, so hey, if you people want to fight for equality then I could definitely say that Israel needs your help lol. Now why the jews push for exactly the opposite things in Europe and America is not something I can answer to you, I could only speculate about it.

About marriage: the point is that marriage is already abused by those who have rights to marry. Honestly I see no good reason that allowing same sex marriage would demean it aside from because a book tells you so. You said in the your post about morals that people need to make their own decisions and that is why I don't allow a text to determine my judgement.
The current disintegration of marriage and the increase of divorces was ultimately a result of people failing to understand the importance of traditional values, now what caused this? Well it really is difficult to explain, I really advise you to invest some time into political things(they don't have to be LGBT related), to browse Internet for a bit, that way you would encounter all sorts of opinions and articles about various of political topics, that way it would be much more easier for us to understand each other.

For the record I find it ironic that you've dismissed points made by ursus because he uses tumblr as a source of information whilst your images are fro funnyjunk as it seems.
Wait, what? Which picture that I posted was from funnyjunk? I don't think you can find pictures like this on funny junk.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #81 on: February 18, 2014, 01:26:46 PM »
Do you seriously think that's a good argument against preserving traditional values?
The term degeneracy is used to refer at certain activities or values for example gay marriage or those kind of MLP autists who photoshop themselves with ponies(for God's sake I'm just using this as an example don't get all mad about it). However you can call other people or jews degenerates. Now do I think that jews are degenerates? No. If you take a look at Israel and the jews who live there, they definitely don't seem degenerative. In fact as far as I know gay marriage isn't legalized in Israel and nobody in the governments are really trying to change that, they also are against illegal immigration, they also don't like the idea of mixing with other cultures too. Funny thing is that a lot of Israelis would probably agree with my views on marriage, multiculturalism and traditional values much more then they would agree with you, so hey, if you people want to fight for equality then I could definitely say that Israel needs your help lol. Now why the jews push for exactly the opposite things in Europe and America is not something I can answer to you, I could only speculate about it.
The current disintegration of marriage and the increase of divorces was ultimately a result of people failing to understand the importance of traditional values, now what caused this? Well it really is difficult to explain, I really advise you to invest some time into political things(they don't have to be LGBT related), to browse Internet for a bit, that way you would encounter all sorts of opinions and articles about various of political topics, that way it would be much more easier for us to understand each other.

Wait, what? Which picture that I posted was from funnyjunk? I don't think you can find pictures like this on funny junk.
Sorry, forgot I have to browse /pol/ to have a legitimate opinion.

The current disintegration of marriage and the increase of divorces was ultimately a result of people failing to understand the importance of traditional values, now what caused this? Well it really is difficult to explain
The point being made is that tradition changes and very valid points have been made by several people that explain that just because a tradition exists doesn't mean that it's right or that there are no better alternatives.

ursus actually made a pretty strong point in my opinion:
How is it not? "Tradition" is just something that's used to justify a custom without having to back it up logically.
Which you then disregarded entirely with nothing but this lovely constructive and elaborating meme contribution:

Wait, what? Which picture that I posted was from funnyjunk? I don't think you can find pictures like this on funny junk.
A few of them in your post were, though you may have found it on something else.

I believe this is necessary.

Either you're using the word lightly or you have a very strong dislike for their practices but either way it's extremely insulting, if you weren't aware.
Just because you don't understand their way of living or can relate to it (using the fact that it deters from tradition to support your ideas and opinions suggests this) doesn't mean they're degenerates. Frankly, if I were to use the word that way I'd have to describe you as a degenerate.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 01:32:33 PM by Sabb »

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2014, 06:01:32 AM »
Sorry, forgot I have to browse /pol/ to have a legitimate opinion.
You don't have to be upset. I mean, do you seriously think that you can put up an even discussion with me on political topics when you aren't nearly as much interested in politics as I am? Also, /pol/ isn't the Internet, /pol/ is just one board on 4chan which is equal for 1 opinion, although there's plenty of discussions(if you can call it like that) there with people who share different ideas, but still that doesn't really change anything. When I suggested to browse Internet for political topics that is what I actually meant, I could have easily suggested for you to browse /pol/, but that's not the right thing to do.

The point being made is that tradition changes and very valid points have been made by several people that explain that just because a tradition exists doesn't mean that it's right or that there are no better alternatives.
The alternatives should be an improvement over traditional values, not a step back. There's plenty of things indicating that the so called "progressive" society isn't really progressing anywhere, but that's a different topic.

How is it not? "Tradition" is just something that's used to justify a custom without having to back it up logically.
Traditions are usually backed up by time, by that I mean those traditions were used for a long time and proved themselves to be effective. If you want to change or improve them then I believe there's always room for improvement but as I've said earlier it must be a step forward for the society as a whole.

A few of them in your post were, though you may have found it on something else.
I don't see a typical funnyjunk logo on any of those, I'm afraid you're going to have to show them to me.

I believe this is necessary.

Either you're using the word lightly or you have a very strong dislike for their practices but either way it's extremely insulting, if you weren't aware.
Just because you don't understand their way of living or can relate to it (using the fact that it deters from tradition to support your ideas and opinions suggests this) doesn't mean they're degenerates. Frankly, if I were to use the word that way I'd have to describe you as a degenerate.
I do sometimes use that world lightly sometimes I use it to it's full extent but not once in this thread I have referred to any group of individuals as degenerates. Also what exactly makes you think that I don't understand their way of living? Has it ever occurred to you that after being interested in political issues I may, just may have an understanding of their way of living? Has it ever occurred to you that I might in fact have better understanding of their way of living? Because things like these, that my opponent may know better on the topic then I do, do occur to my head when I'm debating someone who shares different ideas then I do. Also I'm neither immoral nor corrupt, I don't see how the word "degenerate" would apply to me anymore then it would to you.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #83 on: February 19, 2014, 09:21:42 AM »
You don't have to be upset. I mean, do you seriously think that you can put up an even discussion with me on political topics when you aren't nearly as much interested in politics as I am? Also, /pol/ isn't the Internet, /pol/ is just one board on 4chan which is equal for 1 opinion, although there's plenty of discussions(if you can call it like that) there with people who share different ideas, but still that doesn't really change anything. When I suggested to browse Internet for political topics that is what I actually meant, I could have easily suggested for you to browse /pol/, but that's not the right thing to do.
You're clearly very unfamiliar with sarcasm.

I don't know why I have to restate this.

1:01 PM - Sabb: this isnt even a matter of politics
1:01 PM - Lithuanian pride world wide!: a lot of it is
1:01 PM - Sabb: you dont even know how involved i am with that anyways however?
1:01 PM - Sabb: i dont need to be a politician to have an opinion i this
1:01 PM - Sabb: it effects politics
1:01 PM - Sabb: it is not
1:01 PM - Sabb: politics

It's annoying that you think your opinion's above everyone's because you browse /pol/ and are incredibly well informed. If you've noticed I haven't really touched anything political in this thread such as the discussion on Jews, because I don't feel I'm well enough informed to formulate an opinion I'd stand strong by, nor do I have the interest in spending hours researching all of these matters. However nothing I've touched requires me to spend hours of research as it's based on opinion which doesn't really need a lot of background information. That and I'm addressing flaws in your arguments, is all. Nothing political.

Explain with good reason as to how changing any of the traditions mentioned in this thread is a step back and not forward aside from the fact that it's because it's change.

Guess what, time is supporting change for those traditions just as time created them. Slowly, people push for it to change and then in one way or another something does change.

Google image search them.

You might say that if I don't like it I shouldn't care especially since I don't use Facebook but the thing is that shit like this is not going to stop here it will spread further just like LGBT "values" are right now, not to mention that it's only a matter of time until liberals think of a new form of degeneracy to spread around.
(I may be misunderstanding this but it sounds like you're referring to LGBT rights as degeneracy)

The fact that people are now viewing marriage as a way to gain money, publicity and attention and the fact that the divorce race has dramatically increased in like the last century(especially in USA) is clearly a sign of moral degeneracy. You have to pretty stupid to disagree with that. Also 1600s? Try 1900s.
(sounds like you're saying anyone who abuses marriage is a degenerate)

The term degeneracy is used to refer at certain activities or values for example gay marriage or those kind of MLP autists who photoshop themselves with ponies
(if you already knew what the word meant then this is without a doubt labelling two groups of people as degenerates)

We get it, you spend a lot of time on /pol/. Really though, you think that all politicians are open and understanding of all other ideas just because they're maybe informed? No. It seems to me that you don't understand anyone else's way of life or at least can't sympathize with them.
Speaking of which when I asked you about morals you really had no mention about the care of others or equality or respect for others in your definition. I guess other people just don't matter, right?

Reread the last sentence of my last post. I said I could describe you as a degenerate if I were to use the word as you seem to. In other words I can't relate to your opinion or lifestyle.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #84 on: February 19, 2014, 10:43:44 AM »

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2014, 10:55:09 AM »
I don't know why I have to restate this.

1:01 PM - Sabb: this isnt even a matter of politics
1:01 PM - Lithuanian pride world wide!: a lot of it is
1:01 PM - Sabb: you dont even know how involved i am with that anyways however?
1:01 PM - Sabb: i dont need to be a politician to have an opinion i this
1:01 PM - Sabb: it effects politics
1:01 PM - Sabb: it is not
1:01 PM - Sabb: politics
It is related with politics more then you think which is why I suggested for you to spend some time on such topics.

It's annoying that you think your opinion's above everyone's because you browse /pol/ and are incredibly well informed.
Is it just me or are your views and assumptions are preventing you from reading and understanding what I'm saying? I've already mentioned twice that /pol/ isn't the only place I ever go to, there are plenty of other sites that I visit like RussiaToday or telegraph or even CNN, youtube is also bretty gud.

However nothing I've touched requires me to spend hours of research as it's based on opinion which doesn't really need a lot of background information. That and I'm addressing flaws in your arguments, is all. Nothing political.
You are so wrong. Pretty much everything requires background information, the more the better.

Guess what, time is supporting change for those traditions just as time created them. Slowly, people push for it to change and then in one way or another something does change.

Explain with good reason as to how changing any of the traditions mentioned in this thread is a step back and not forward aside from the fact that it's because it's change.
I'm assuming you're referring to the LGBT "values". Well, first things first, marriage is a religious ritual and I doubt anyone has a right to overwrite religion. Then the whole point of marriage is basically to create a family and to have kids and we all know that homosexuals can't have kids therefore what's the point of marriage? If two homosexuals like each other then they can live together, why is it so necessary for them to have marriage?
Then we have the trans gender people, however they're pretty much the same as homosexuals when it comes to having kids so same thing can be applied to them, although I think that banning surgeries which change your gender would ultimately the best choice as there is absolutely nothing good that comes out of it. I mean, look at the marriage right now, in some countries like in USA for example it's a disaster so what exactly makes you think that adding more "progressive" ideas will make it any better? And overall if you look at how people are like today then I'm not so sure if you could say that the society is heading the right way, or at least that's what it looks like to me. You don't have to agree with any of this and I don't expect you too, I'm just simply stating my opinion on the subject.
   Also keep in mind that nowadays television, movies, the Internet and social networks have an incredibly significant influence to everyone. Knowing that things like these are usually owned by the state it is only logical to think that such things may be used for promoting certain agendas, anything from war propaganda to LGBT "values". I mean have you not noticed how the western media tries to distort Russia's law against homosexual propaganda to minors calling it "Anti-gay"? Do you think they're doing it because they really care about LGBT rights? If true then how come you never really see any reports about Saudi Arabia putting homosexuals to jail just because they're homosexuals? How come you never hear about discrimination of homosexuals in many African countries, even Egypt? Why doesn't the media or those LGBT activist groups ever try to promote this in Israel? Even such topics as LGBT rights require knowing some political background.

(sounds like you're saying anyone who abuses marriage is a degenerate)
Abusing the marriage is a form degeneracy but I don't think that it is enough to make a person a degenerate.

(if you already knew what the word meant then this is without a doubt labelling two groups of people as degenerates)
Yeah, way to quote out of context.
The term degeneracy is used to refer at certain activities or values for example gay marriage or those kind of MLP autists who photoshop themselves with ponies(for God's sake I'm just using this as an example don't get all mad about it).

We get it, you spend a lot of time on /pol/. Really though, you think that all politicians are open and understanding of all other ideas just because they're maybe informed?
This is the third time you say the same thing even when I specifically told you that it's not the case, in fact I don't even spend a lot of time on /pol/. Are you seriously that desperate?
And obviously not all politicians are like that, in fact there's probably really only a small minority of politicians who are open and understanding of other ideas.

Speaking of which when I asked you about morals you really had no mention about the care of others or equality or respect for others in your definition. I guess other people just don't matter, right?
Now what are the morals and values for me? Well I probably won't list everything but I'll try to mention a few important ones that will come to my mind: nationalism, love, real quality, friendship, a lot of morals can also usually be found in religion which teaches people to respect each other and treat others as they themselves want to be treated
I made a typo, when I said quality I meant so say equality. Also just to reassure you there are no disputing that care of others and respect for others are values.

Reread the last sentence of my last post. I said I could describe you as a degenerate if I were to use the word as you seem to. In other words I can't relate to your opinion or lifestyle.
Sabb pls

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #86 on: February 19, 2014, 11:29:37 AM »
It is related with politics more then you think which is why I suggested for you to spend some time on such topics.
There's no more to discuss here. I've said too many times that what we're talking about isn't directly political.

Is it just me or are your views and assumptions are preventing you from reading and understanding what I'm saying? I've already mentioned twice that /pol/ isn't the only place I ever go to, there are plenty of other sites that I visit like RussiaToday or telegraph or even CNN, youtube is also bretty gud.
I do not think /pol/ is your only source of information.

I'm assuming you're referring to the LGBT "values". Well, first things first, marriage is a religious ritual and I doubt anyone has a right to overwrite religion. Then the whole point of marriage is basically to create a family and to have kids and we all know that homosexuals can't have kids therefore what's the point of marriage? If two homosexuals like each other then they can live together, why is it so necessary for them to have marriage?
Then we have the trans gender people, however they're pretty much the same as homosexuals when it comes to having kids so same thing can be applied to them, although I think that banning surgeries which change your gender would ultimately the best choice as there is absolutely nothing good that comes out of it. I mean, look at the marriage right now, in some countries like in USA for example it's a disaster so what exactly makes you think that adding more "progressive" ideas will make it any better? And overall if you look at how people are like today then I'm not so sure if you could say that the society is heading the right way, or at least that's what it looks like to me. You don't have to agree with any of this and I don't expect you too, I'm just simply stating my opinion on the subject.

Marriage is actually now just as much if not more simply for legalities. For example, people with no religious values certainly can and do get married. Notice that the definition (from the Oxford dictionary) doesn't even mention religion. In fact...

Adoption. If a husband or wife in a traditional marriage is infertile does that mean they shouldn't get married since they can't have children of their own? The only purpose of marriage isn't to raise a family. I know many married couples who don't ever want children including one of my neighbours.
Why is it necessary for someone like you to have marriage? You can like a woman and live with her too, you don't have to marry her. It's about equality.
It's all about treating people with respect, decency, and improving the lives of others. Your values of marriage or life or anything don't have to change to adapt to them. Hell, you don't even have to acknowledge them, but at least let them live equally and allow them to have their own values because it really doesn't affect you. I believe this is also relevant to the gender issue which is why I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of other genders, though I still don't support it either.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 11:32:03 AM by Sabb »

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #87 on: February 19, 2014, 12:51:27 PM »
Going back ontopic:

"Hey guise, I was born with a male with a penis. Totally natural, right? Even though I'm 100% genetically a man, I have this totally normal mindset where I think I was meant to be a girl, lemme chop it off and magically swap to one! I'm normal, right?".

Ursus, Sabb, whoever, no matter how much you try to argue and refute my point, being a transgender isn't, and will never be normal. For god's sake, we were born with the gender identify organs we have naturally, and to claim something as stupid as "I'm genderfluid, I swap back and forth lelelel", it's astonishing how much of this pink agenda shit is being forced on society today, because people can't have normal lives, instead have to share with the world about what they think they are.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 12:56:21 PM by Cake Faice »

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #88 on: February 19, 2014, 01:02:14 PM »
Going back ontopic:

"Hey guise, I was born with a male with a penis. Totally natural, right? Even though I'm 100% genetically a man, I have this totally normal mindset where I think I was meant to be a girl, lemme chop it off and magically swap to one! I'm normal, right?".

Ursus, Sabb, whoever, no matter how much you try to argue and refute my point, being a transgender isn't, and will never be normal/accepted. For god's sake, we were born with the gender identify organs we have naturally, and to claim something as stupid as "I'm genderfluid, I swap back and forth lelelel", it's astonishing how much of this pink agenda shit is being forced on society today, because people can't have normal lives, instead have to share with the world about what they think they are.
I never said it's normal nor do I think it is or will ever be. Biologically it's certainly abnormal. That doesn't mean it can't be accepted. I see no harm in allowing them freedom of their own sexual orientation and personal practices so long as it doesn't harm anyone or anything else.

Unless you're afraid you'll hook up a chick with a dick. In which case, better luck next time skippy.

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Re: New Gender Options for Facebook Users
« Reply #89 on: February 19, 2014, 01:15:45 PM »
"Hey guise, I was born with a male with a penis. Totally natural, right?

What does this even mean? Please check the syntax of your posts in the future.

Even though I'm 100% genetically a man, I have this totally normal mindset where I think I was meant to be a girl, lemme chop it off and magically swap to one! I'm normal, right?".

I don't think you understand how gender psychology actually works. Are you just making up this imaginary narrative as you go along based on what you've heard? Have you actually spoken to any transgender people rather than hearing stories on news sites that you subscribe to because they align closely with your political views? The extent to which you all ignore your own confirmation bias is astounding.

Ursus, Sabb, whoever, no matter how much you try to argue and refute my point, being a transgender isn't, and will never be normal/accepted.

On whose authority? Do you speak for the entire human race, from which you conveniently exclude people you don't like? You only think that transgender people won't be accepted because you refuse to listen to anyone who does. (Again, reminding you that they are people, not an abstract concept that you can accept or deny.)

For god's sake, we were born with the gender identify organs we have naturally,


and to claim something as stupid as "I'm genderfluid, I swap back and forth lelelel",

This isn't even an argument on your part. It's just you complaining about how stupid you think it is. Are you just trying to spam the thread or something?

it's astonishing how much of this pink agenda shit is being forced on society today,

What's a pink agenda? What actions of yours are being forced because of it? The only thing in your life that's different because of this is you choosing to vehemently attack their rights and identities with zero direct provocation.

Also, what is the content of the agenda itself, since you're so angry about it? Do you think that they're trying to convince people to acknowledge their humanity and afford them basic courtesy and respect for some sinister purpose? Do you think that transgender people make up their entire lives and identities just so an online news site they have no stake in can profit from it? Where are these imaginary evil motives you're referring to?

because people can't have normal lives, instead have to share with the world about what they think they are.

Yes. They want to have normal lives. They would like nothing better than to see absolutely no reason to talk to you about their problems or their identity. You and them seem to want the same thing.

This is not the case because trans people, as it stands, have to live their lives in constant fear of physical abuse, murder, verbal and emotional abuse from their family and even psychologists/therapists. It doesn't help that there are people who refuse to even acknowledge them or these fears because they disagree with their entire existence.

There's quite a sizable amount of these people. Do you believe they're all choosing to completely fabricate the exact same types of experiences across the world, independently of one another, just to satisfy a desire for attention? Where is the logic in this? I've offered you detailed and sound explanations for why they're speaking out and you're still insisting that it's all for some kind of "agenda."