.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

New Gender Options for Facebook Users

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--- Quote from: ursus on February 17, 2014, 09:44:20 AM ---

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Is being fat a social construct?

--- Quote from: Sabb on February 17, 2014, 09:49:39 AM ---Consider what you just said as it's incredibly easy to apply to probably all of your posts on this thread.

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The tolerance groups want to impose their views on us so it's only logical that I retaliate in the same way.

--- Quote from: Sabb on February 17, 2014, 09:49:39 AM ---Actually that's becoming debatable, regardless to what you or I may have been taught.

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It's becoming debatable not because science thinks it's necessary, but because the very same "oppressed minority" groups want to change it so that it would suit them because right now some facts are "racist" by their definition.

--- Quote ---[MASS NOUN] the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones):
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A place as famous as Oxford university will obviously share politically correct views. Also the quote says that it is being used by people in this way instead of what it actually means in science and to be honest I rarely ever see people refer to genders as social or cultural constructs.

--- Quote from: Sabb on February 17, 2014, 09:49:39 AM ---
So valid opinions can't be formed from a person's emotion? I would have to disagree. You don't better any group of individuals by only considering your own emotions and opinions. Besides, I don't feel he's doing that at all. He's supported what he's said with his own valid logic where you're disregarding everything he's said because he's gone to "tumblr-tier." You're actually letting your emotion effect your posts far more than he is, you even refuse to acknowledge his points now because you think he's just so stupid.

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There is nothing valid about his logic on gender. And seriously I've already said many times that it is not the first time I hear arguments that are like the ones gamefreak has posted, I'm not going to sit there and put my honest effort into refuting his points because this is a subject that doesn't really require much explanation, I would probably be literally repeating my previous posts and for what? For yet another pointless wall of text that I would have to use the same arguments to refute because really that would be all it would take.

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: ursus on February 17, 2014, 10:20:48 AM ---How is it not? "Tradition" is just something that's used to justify a custom without having to back it up logically. Do you think that it's a bad thing that we've abandoned the tradition of legally being allowed to duel someone to the death with pistols? Slavery was a tradition for thousands of years until we realized that it was harmful and unethical. Traditional Christian marriage was over when divorce was legal anyway, why should it matter what someone else does in their own lives now?

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Some progression was justified, some progression was not. A fine example is the whole politically correct push. You're offensive if you say this, you're offensive if you say that, please respect my feelings. Like god, everyone's too afraid of speaking their mind without accidentally "offending" someone. I'm not talking about being an asshole with freespeech, I'm talking about stupid shit like "plz don't joke I'm 1/16th Chinese" and every little thing that could offend someone.


--- Quote from: Prox on February 17, 2014, 10:21:42 AM ---Is being fat a social construct?

The tolerance groups want to impose their views on us so it's only logical that I retaliate in the same way.

It's becoming debatable not because science thinks it's necessary, but because the very same "oppressed minority" groups want to change it so that it would suit them because right now some facts are "racist" by their definition.
A place as famous as Oxford university will obviously share politically correct views. Also the quote says that it is being used by people in this way instead of what it actually means in science and to be honest I rarely ever see people refer to genders as social or cultural constructs.
There is nothing valid about his logic on gender. And seriously I've already said many times that it is not the first time I hear arguments that are like the ones gamefreak has posted, I'm not going to sit there and put my honest effort into refuting his points because this is a subject that doesn't really require much explanation, I would probably be literally repeating my previous posts and for what? For yet another pointless wall of text that I would have to use the same arguments to refute because really that would be all it would take.

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As I restated on Steam and will do so again, sex remains limited to male and female, gender would simply be a more broad word covering more options. Science would by no means be stating that there are other genders than there are currently, it has nothing to do with that.
Though I'm not saying that gender actually does currently cover more than the traditional genders, nor do I think ursus is. That doesn't mean it can't changed or be used otherwise is all I'm saying.

>Is being fat a social construct?

I seriously hoped I wouldn't have to post this, but I do.

Shiggy diggy bo-biggy
Banana-fana fo-figgy

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Frank on February 17, 2014, 10:34:03 AM --->Is being fat a social construct?

I seriously hoped I wouldn't have to post this, but I do.

Shiggy diggy bo-biggy
Banana-fana fo-figgy

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Muh highly qualified medical physician with decades of experience and harvard degrees doesn't know a thing about muh body.


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