.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
New Gender Options for Facebook Users
Mr. Franklin:
Personally i'm ok with three gender options for facebook users.
1. Male
2. Female
3. Dickbutt
--- Quote from: Sabb on February 15, 2014, 07:44:36 PM ---Before I address anything you've said, I'd like to point out something about your behaviour. Everyone seems to be afraid to openly express how they feel about one another here I guess because it's an open forum and that opens up a door for them to be attacked by others. However I'd like to be honest and point out the aggression you throw into your posts, which bring these kinds of discussions to a personal level.
First two lines, first post, right off the bat. You're immediately saying (indirectly) "you guys are stupid, you know nothing, you shouldn't have an opinion... except xrain." Or at least that's how I interpret it, and I feel that's not an unreasonable opinion. Exaggerated a tad perhaps, but there's no doubt a certain sarcastic "I'm better than you" tone to the way you communicate. I'm pointing this out because my immediate reaction to that behaviour is to say to myself "yea, right" and move on without taking what you're saying seriously. It also very clearly suggests that you're entirely un-open to other views, which could be understandably agitating.
From reading your posts I get the feeling that you think of us who have a differing opinion in this particular case as closed minded. Again that's what I interpreted, by no means a fact as I don't know what you think. Ironic maybe. You aren't involved on here much any longer so I wouldn't expect you to know but I've actually defended the LGBT community on several discussions which also brought me to discuss things further with some people outside of the forums. I'm by no means a part of the LGBT community myself but I do support them. I feel everyone should have freedom to have their own personal preference in these matters and that it's none of mine or anyone else's business. However, I simply see extending gender to so many more options opposed to male or female as unnecessary.
I have certainly no issue with doing such a thing. I feel I'm a fairly reasonable person and believe me I do try to treat everyone with decency. That's not the issue, however. I just don't see it's necessary to be redefining gender. I'm absolutely aware it's possible and happening. If you read through my first post I quoted definition for gender. It is simply an opinion though. Maybe it's simply because I'm used to the way things were so I have no desire for it to change. I still see that giving all these options is unnecessary because I'm sorry even with the information you've included I don't believe giving them these options will solve their problems if they're so troubled that they can't decide if they want to be referred to as male or female. It's not about not accepting their differences though. It's just as I said, I see it as an unnecessary push.
I disagree. If I have an issue with someone who's got the in-your-face personality that I don't like, I solely blame them for it. People react to situations differently and can consciously make the decision to better their behaviour if they think it should be bettered. If there's a cause for their attitude I can acknowledge it but there's a point that I'm not going to accept it or be around it which is a situation I've personally been having to handle a lot recently. I don't associate everyone or anyone in the LGBT community to be of that irritating pushy attitude unless they give me reason to. At the same time, I don't want to give reason for people to act this way.
I'm sure I don't need to explain how exaggeration can be used when making a point.
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nah, i'm not really angry at anyone in particular for anything, this sort of thing is to be expected of a forum that's not very diverse and doesnt get that many outside opinions. i don't really see how this comes down to a personal level, since i've only pointed out readily observable facts like the fact that there aren't any trans individuals on the forum, so i'm probably missing something here
it doesn't feel to me like i'm being aggressive at all, that's not my intent, but given that the topic at hand (transphobia, not the pronouns) puts people's lives at stake on a larger scale I don't think it's unreasonable to speak with a tone of urgency at the very least
the "except xrain" thing was more or less a crude joke, because xrain was the only one who wasn't expressing such a dismissive attitude towards something that's actually more important than you might realize
i do, though, think that someone who has no experience communicating directly with or sharing in the experiences of transgender people should not be allowed a say in whether or not they deserve things like having such minor concessions as being addressed in a manner that doesn't trigger any PTSD flashbacks or cause the onset of more dysphoria
I feel like the main point I should be getting across here is that there aren't really as many genders as you're making it out to be/think there are. All you really need to know is what pronouns someone is okay with and that's it. To be honest, I can't really remember what most of my trans friends are. They don't notice or get offended, though, because it's not really my business to them unless we're going out of our way to discuss gender or if we're close. While I will absolutely admit that having multiple terms for the same gender identity will confuse people who don't know the difference, it's not really going to cause anyone any harm. On the other hand, as an isolated issue having to tell the world you're something different than you actually are (like being forced to choose "male" or "female" if you genuinely identify with neither) is a bit discomforting. The only effect that the change from Facebook is going to have is that just about 99.99% of all trans people using facebook will be much more comfortable using it as a communication platform, which is what Facebook wants. I don't know what their motives are, but I'm guessing personally that it's about a 70/30 mix of wanting to be progressive but also wanting to make more money. I could be wrong.
Also, it's not that they're so troubled that they're unable to decide. Non-binary people don't want to decide. It's like if I asked you, a straight male (as far as I know) the following: "You can either tell people you're a gay man or a straight woman. So, which one are you?" The issue isn't that you can't decide which one you are, it's that you already know that you're neither of those things. The only reason that non-binary genders are even an issue is because our society in general is structured in a way that offers two different life experiences to men and women, and the feat of realizing that it's a flawed system and correcting it slowly over time is too much for most people. Of course, this is strictly relating to non-binary transgender individuals. The issues surrounding trans men and trans women are much simpler, thankfully.
Why is it someone's own fault if they're exasperated and tired of pandering to your beliefs in order to help convince you that they deserve the same rights/privileges as you to the point that they stop being polite about it? What I was trying to say was that it isn't actually their natural personality to be loud and in your face. All people will speak aggressively about something if it's important enough to them, no matter how mild-mannered or reasonable they are. The fact that people are getting so angry about this should be a clear indicator to you that it's something that needs to be taken seriously.
I didn't realize you were exaggerating deliberately. To me, it seemed as though you were actually worried about something as trivial as extra information as job applications, which was... strange, to say the least, especially since the issue you exaggerated would never actually happen.
Also, regarding your admitted resistance to change, you do realize that none of this will actually affect your life that much, right? Nobody is going to get mad at you unless you allow your opinions to influence their life negatively, which is what happens when you resist positive change even though it wouldn't harm you at all. If a fairly sizable group of people, although a minority, ask for their identities to be formally recognized and respected by society, I can't think of any good reason not to do so.
--- Quote ---but there's a point that I'm not going to accept it or be around it which is a situation I've personally been having to handle a lot recently.
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What is this referring to? I'm curious.
--- Quote from: Mr. Franklin on February 15, 2014, 08:58:31 PM ---Personally i'm ok with three gender options for facebook users.
1. Male
2. Female
3. Dickbutt
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That's a funny way of describing Turner's syndrome.
That was a joke.
I'm sure most of you here have seen me participating in quite a few discussions before and you know that I usually take my time to respond and attempt refute main points of my opponents in discussions but in this case I just can't, I'm sorry if this is going to offend you gamefreak but these whole two pages you've posted are probably one of the stupidest shit I've ever seen posted on this forum seriously, you are literally using social justice warrior-tier arguments and I just cannot take anyone seriously who does this. Yeah yeah I can't come up with counter-arguments to your points, I really don't care at all. Such basic things like the fact that there are only 2 genders don't require anymore explanation then what I've already said in this thread.
--- Quote ---in what way are your rights being threatened? do you have a basic human right to call people "transfaggots" because their gender identity is foreign to you? you're literally saying that the rights of minorities are here for "consideration," as if they're simply an option that the privileged majority may grant at their convenience
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They are simply an option for the "privileged" majority, we are the ones who should dictate things. Perhaps such silly things don't threat my rights that much but it distorts the general understanding of basic things like marriage or in this case gender for everyone. The more things like this we add and the more craziness we tolerate the lower the nation's moral standards go. There must be high moral standards instead of just do and be whatever the hell you want.
--- Quote ---Also, regarding your admitted resistance to change, you do realize that none of this will actually affect your life that much, right? Nobody is going to get mad at you unless you allow your opinions to influence their life negatively, which is what happens when you resist positive change even though it wouldn't harm you at all. If a fairly sizable group of people, although a minority, ask for their identities to be formally recognized and respected by society, I can't think of any good reason not to do so.
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Resisting positive change? Dude I or majority of people don't even get to say what change we want, it is literally being forced upon us.
Also if you are claiming that there are more then 2 genders then please, show me a picture of someone with a different gender, I'll be happy to see one.
Now let's get a little bit more personal. May I ask you what influenced you into having such views? Was it tumblr, reddit, perhaps you're one of those social justice warriors or maybe you are studying gender studies? What exactly was it because I know that a sane person like you could never come up with these kind of ridiculous ideas by yourself, there has to be something that made you change your views. I think it would be appropriate for me to tell you that I do browse /pol/ daily so it could have an effect on my views but I can assure you that my views on things like gender, marriage or even Israel are pretty much the same as they were before me starting to browse /pol/.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---I usually take my time to respond and attempt refute main points of my opponents in discussions but in this case I just can't
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Well, allow me.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---I'm sure most of you here have seen me participating in quite a few discussions before and you know that I usually take my time to respond and attempt refute main points of my opponents in discussions but in this case I just can't, I'm sorry if this is going to offend you gamefreak but these whole two pages you've posted are probably one of the stupidest shit I've ever seen posted on this forum seriously, you are literally using social justice warrior-tier arguments and I just cannot take anyone seriously who does this.
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"I've talked to people before! I usually try to argue with people when I talk to them, but this time I can't because you're just so stupid. You're using arguments from an imaginary group of people that I disagree with, and that's a valid excuse for me to give up and still think I'm right."
Even though I could probably get away with just saying "This requires no explanation" and then leaving much like you, I've decided that I don't want to debate on the same level.
Your references to separate discussions are irrelevant. This is a separate issue from whatever you think you've debated before, and you can't bring backup ethos from the past to support your points.
It doesn't matter if you think it's "the stupidest shit" you've ever seen. You don't get to dismiss things because you think they're stupid. I'm still talking to you, after all.
Also, what is a "social justice warrior?" There is no formally recognized group called the Social Justice Warriors. You're attempting to passively refute my argument by saying that it's on the same level as a group of people that many also dismiss with an appeal to incredulity ("I cannot believe this, therefore it is false").
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---Yeah yeah I can't come up with counter-arguments to your points, I really don't care at all. Such basic things like the fact that there are only 2 genders don't require anymore explanation then what I've already said in this thread.
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"Even though I'm literally admitting that I'm unable to win this argument, I still win this argument because I say so. My viewpoint is so obviously right that I don't even have to defend it, because I'm so right."
So, not caring makes you the clear winner? Just because you admit that you cannot produce a counter-argument does not excuse you from the implications of your admission. If you're unable to respond to my argument, don't pretend to have already disproven it.
Stating that your viewpoint is so basic and universally accepted that it does not need to be proven is not a valid argument. If a billion people think that the Earth is the center of the solar system, this does not make them correct.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---They are simply an option for the "privileged" majority, we are the ones who should dictate things.
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"Yes, giving people basic human rights is actually my authority because I also say so. The majority should always be allowed to infringe upon the rights of minorities because it's our job and we've earned it by being the majority."
My point from your previous quote stands. A viewpoint is not automatically correct because a majority of people hold it. Why are we the ones who should "dictate things?" You're not even a majority, you're Lithuanian. Your country is smaller than my thumb on a map. Does being American, a citizen of the most powerful military nation in the world, give me the authority to dictate aspects of your personal life? Think carefully.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---Perhaps such silly things don't threat my rights that much but it distorts the general understanding of basic things like marriage or in this case gender for everyone. The more things like this we add and the more craziness we tolerate the lower the nation's moral standards go. There must be high moral standards instead of just do and be whatever the hell you want.
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"Even though this issue admittedly doesn't threaten my rights, it will still confuse people on other issues in which I also believe my stubbornly held viewpoints are so right that I don't even need to defend them. If we give more people the capacity to lead normal personal lives we will lower our morals, which is still my authority to judge even though morals are purely subjective. We have to keep these subjective morals high from my standpoint, because people can't do what they want even if it doesn't affect anyone else, because I say so."
Just because the majority of people are too lazy to understand a new concept does not mean that it should not be introduced. You're using deliberately vague terms like "general understanding of basic things" and "craziness" and "nation's moral standards," or especially "do and be whatever the hell you want." Pissing in the general direction of my argument also does not refute it.
What nation? Again, you don't even live in the USA. You don't even live in North America. How is this an issue to you? What is "craziness?" Is craziness just a term for something that you disagree with?
Regarding the last sentence, I'll take this opportunity to remind you that transgender people do not choose to be what they already are. They simply choose the terms and concepts to describe themselves as accurately and precisely as possible, something that you have produced no valid reason so far to be in opposition to.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---Resisting positive change? Dude I or majority of people don't even get to say what change we want, it is literally being forced upon us.
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I'm actually not even sure how to sarcastically paraphrase this. Are you really complaining that every single change in society doesn't get checked by you? Who elected you supreme ruler of the human race? Also, Facebook is not a right. Facebook is a company and a service, a service you are not obligated to continue using. If you don't like the choices OTHER PEOPLE have in affording themselves a comfortable experience on one website, then don't use it. Are you being forced to change your gender identity? Nobody is saying that you're no longer a male. Has someone held you at gunpoint or threatened to kill your family if you don't change your gender on Facebook? You're directing so much anger at this that one would think so.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---Also if you are claiming that there are more then 2 genders then please, show me a picture of someone with a different gender, I'll be happy to see one.
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To quote a favorite post of mine, from your least favorite website --
But really, what? What kind of argument is this? If this is what it takes to get you to believe that these people exist, here's a picture of one of my non-binary friends with their cat:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
If anything, this should at least show you that they aren't constantly shoving their gender in your face. Would you have known that they sincerely describe themselves as "genderfluid" if I hadn't told you? Were you expecting a picture of an alien? We're still talking about actual humans here, something you don't seem to like very much.
--- Quote from: Prox on February 16, 2014, 01:53:34 AM ---Now let's get a little bit more personal. May I ask you what influenced you into having such views? Was it tumblr, reddit, perhaps you're one of those social justice warriors or maybe you are studying gender studies? What exactly was it because I know that a sane person like you could never come up with these kind of ridiculous ideas by yourself, there has to be something that made you change your views. I think it would be appropriate for me to tell you that I do browse /pol/ daily so it could have an effect on my views but I can assure you that my views on things like gender, marriage or even Israel are pretty much the same as they were before me starting to browse /pol/.
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How is this relevant?
"Now that I'm done telling you how right I am, you should tell me who gave you this viewpoint because that's totally important. I should also inform you that I willfully frequent a board known for its views that closely align with neo-nazism. This somehow improves my argument."
Are you also going to imply that because my views have changed at some point, that also proves that they are wrong? Is a viewpoint only worth something to you if someone has stubbornly held it their entire life, the literal opposite of what produces an intelligent society? Nobody "taught" me to respect minorities, I realized that it was the right course of action on my own simply by associating with them normally and realizing that their problems were legitimate. How many transgender people are you friends with? How many have you even attempted to have a normal conversation with? Do you also think that Black people all drive expensive cars, smoke weed, and rape/murder innocent people? The way in which you're forming and asserting your opinions on world events and issues is like trying to rebuild a car while Bill O'Reilly instructs you based on the one time he replaced his back tires. Do you think that I would be qualified and also entitled to hold political office in your home country because I read a few threads on /pol/ about it?
Consider yourself lucky that no matter what opinion you hold on this, it will never affect your mental health or physical safety. Some people aren't as fortunate, mostly because of people like you.
For the most part, I'm sorry that I don't have the will of iron that would be required to type this out in a less aggressive tone. I'd have liked to discuss this in a way that ended with one of us saying "Oh, I guess I never realized that" and leaving the thread in peace, but I suppose that's not possible here.
I know I have no right into this since I'm not that active and I'm not admin but can I suggest someone to lock the thread please?
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