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Not Your Average New Karma System Thread

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--- Quote from: jman15234 on November 02, 2010, 07:14:04 PM ---That is somethat that rarely hapenns. Scenario 1 would happen frequently.

EITHER WAY, this thread is not about that. It is simply about getting more karma for kills as traitor.

--- End quote ---

Happened to me and Gamefreak. I was player D and Gamefreak was player A

No shit. You already said that. One fucking occasion is not frequently.

Please get off that topic. Make another thread about it if you want, don't fill mine with it.

Karma is just fine the way it is. Before the Karma swap, I used to end most maps with 1000 karma, and you guys should be able to too.

Just don't fag rdm :3


--- Quote from: ItchyDani3l on November 02, 2010, 08:12:40 PM ---Karma is just fine the way it is. Before the Karma swap, I used to end most maps with 1000 karma, and you guys should be able to too.

Just don't fag rdm :3

--- End quote ---

Am i saying to remove the perma karma system?

I am saying to add more karma for killing innocents as Traitor

Yeah I know. But I'm saying you won't need the extra karma if you don't fag rdm. :3


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