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Not Your Average New Karma System Thread
Well, most people like to bitch and complain about the new karma system for reasons they've stated, even though fail.
I am making this thread as a suggestion, not a complaint. I suggest that the traitors need to gain more karma for killing innocents. I killed 5 innocents as a Traitor and got +40 karma.
It would be really helpful if the karma boost for inno kills was raised.
Idea also credited to DeathWard.
I agree. It would make easier to get back your karma and there wouldn't be shiton of complaints about perm karma.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: and I think moo has already said :thumbsup: to this to. So hopefully it happens.
Be more lenient on Karma; Like, when gamefreak went up and RDMED an inno with 80 karma and I killed him in response and lost 400 karma while he lost 40.
Make innocents gain like, 50 per round, give traitors maybe, 10 karma per innocent killed and make sure TTT can lower the penalty for an innocent killing another innocent who had recently rdmed someone.
--- Quote from: rocket50 on November 02, 2010, 03:34:59 PM ---Be more lenient on Karma; Like, when gamefreak went up and RDMED an inno with 80 karma and I killed him in response and lost 400 karma while he lost 40.
make sure TTT can lower the penalty for an innocent killing another innocent who had recently rdmed someone.
--- End quote ---
That would greatly increase rdming.
Example: (Player A, Player B, Player C, and Player D are all innocent.)
Player A kills Player B for whatever reason(Suspicious or all-out rdm doesn't matter) and Player C sees this. Player C does not like Player A. Player C says "Oh look! Since he just killed an innocent now is my chance to rdm him! Either I kill him and get karma if he's T or I barely lose any karma if he's innocent." Player D sees Player C kill Player A and kills Player C.
This proccess would repeat and there would be a ton of chain rdm fights. Just don't shoot people as an innocent unless they shoot you first or if they are obviously a traitor.
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