Hey guys. I'm in the very beginning stages of making a fan trailer for KSP. It will feature music from "To the Moon" (which I have gotten permission to do

I don't really need any technical help, but I would like some contribution from anyone who wants.
For the video, I will have shots of planes, ships, probes, rovers, landers, stations, and whatever else (boats? Hell, why not?). However, I'm not creative enough to design all sorts of things. I would like to absolutely feature planes, stations, and landers, but I don't want to get repetitive with ships that look similar. That brings me to my question:
Could some people design any of the things listed above, and send the ship files to me over mediafire.com? On the poll above, vote for what you will build. I only want a max of two per category, though, so if you see that there are already 2 votes for probes, chose something else please. You can contribute up to four vehicles. If you just want to do one, go ahead. I just have it open for the people who can't decide or have great things.
The only constraints I have on the ship you build:
- Must be stock parts
- Must accomplish whatever goal it has
- Must look pretty (meaning no strutsstrutsstrutsstruts. If you use struts, make them look natural. Hide the spam struts. Same goes with fuel lines.)
Thank you to anyone who helps! I have no schedule yet, so don't expect me to upload the video very soon. I'll do as much work as I can on it over Christmas, but no promises.