Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Chris
ٶȻhriʂ' Admin Application
Name: Chris
From: Belgium
IGN: ٶȻhriʂ
Timezone: GMT +1
When I'm on: From 4 to 11pm on mondays, tuesdays and thursdays, noon to 11pm on wednesdays and fridays.
Servers I play: All current servers.
Why I want admin?
This place has been my home for so long now that it pains me to see not many of us are interested in this game anymore or are just way too busy to actually get some time to play, and because of that there is not many admins on the servers at all anymore, sure there's still some VIPs who come on including myself but that's not always enough to get the job done and people can end up simply getting away with whatever they were doing. I feel like i can do so much more and help around much more efficiently with this position, both on servers and on forums. With all my past experiences as a VIP and watching over some of our admins i have an idea with what i would be dealing with. Not to mention I'm finally stress free now since many irl issues have been resolved.
Why should I be admin?
Since recent events with most people not playing Garry's Mod at all and Fretta getting more active I've noticed myself alone on the server with randoms quite a lot. I'm still interested in this game dispite my horrible lag and pretty much give up my spare time into populating it and playing it so it would be nice to have someone around to watch over. I can pretty much give all my spare time into this community like i currently do since i've no life outside of school and gaming is the only thing i do.
I'd like to thank everyone for helping me out when i needed it and for making me what i am today.
Thank you for reading.
Though I'm not sure it's necessary to have more admins atm, I would have no problem with Chris being promoted due to his dedication to the servers and good decision making.
As long as I've known Chris, I've noticed him being able to keep his cool I'm every situation. He helps New vips learn the ropes, and he is very VERY fucking active. I personally think that this is way overdue.
So Chris my Lord and savior will get a :thumbsup: from me.
Even though you're a brony..
Spoiler (click to show/hide)fgt
This Cactus:
Chris Chris Chris... you have been a really great VIP within my experience, now you're stepping up to Admin, obviously you deserve it.
You're very active than many other, you've done some help repopulating the server/s despite the shouts of people saying it's dead, you've dealt (helped) with newbies who come in-tact with the server, and basically gave inspiration to some of the (new) VIPs, you keep your cool whenever you're handling a situation.
Nothing else can I say I guess but "you deserve it" x100000000000000. So basically, :thumbsup: for me. Go for it Chris, don't let anyone say you can't :3
ye he cool
I do see the need of admins. We got enough admins but not enough active admins.
But Chris will do it great as admin, fun, knows rules and is very active.
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