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Replacing ttt (round 2)

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To me it would be extremely sad to remove TTT just because of what it used to be, i remember having to wait 30 just to get in to the ALWAYS full server and to me it is one of the main places that rnd got alot of its popularity, even if no one is playing it rite now i i never want to see that server go down its like a historic monument that sould never be tampered with, the person i am to day has so much to do with that server beleve it or not it helped me in so  many ways i had a alot of problems i was an extream intovert and talked to noone and the rnd ttt server brought me out of my shell, and with that i just want to say thank your random. (sorry went a bit off topic but)

I think the solution to everything is this:

That would not only bring inactive players to rNd again but if done would get us new players also.


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