Support (Read Only) > Suggestions
Replacing ttt (round 2)
Ok, even though the vote passed to keep ttt, i still see no players on it aside from the regular "few" players.
So i vote we move ttt to fretta or remove it all together and replace it with a more popular gamemode to attract more players, since ttt is basicly dead most of the time, aside from the random players who come and go.
Most of our members dont even go to ttt anymore. No one who voted to keep it even plays on the server, they just go play something else
Getting a new, more popular gamemode would attract more players and we would surely see more server activity from our own members.
I don't really see the need for an empty ttt server.
I agree, as the Fretta server is full a lot more than TTT, it would be a waste to have an empty server.
I'd say move it to Fretta, plenty of people play it more than TTT and like Frost said, no one other than a small group play it at a time, and it isn't very frequent either, it's basically a ghost server 80-90% of the time.
Tiger Guy:
If TTT is changed, please put it into fretta, or I'll cry bitch tears.
The way I see the situation is that a lot of people are wanting TTT moved as you said "for a more popular gamemode" but the issue is that TTT is actually still the most popular gamemode on Gmod, or at least one of the most. It's just died down in popularity for RND. So if we could get a gamemode that would get more people playing it more frequently, I'd be all for that. I don't think TTT needs to stay up any more necessarily but I decided I'm not wholeheartedly going to support this until I or someone else can think of a suitable gamemode for it to be replaced with, which is the hard part. That or if coolz decides he simply doesn't want the server up any more.
And before people say it, I think DarkRP is still not an option.
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