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Replacing ttt (round 2)

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--- Quote from: ○ Marie ○ on November 17, 2013, 03:32:00 PM ---Clearly rNd isn't dead, or no one would be in this current discussion talking. rNd isn't just the servers, it's the community as well. I personally believe we should consider branching off and finding other game modes to host as well. While Gmod is all fun and all, but more variety I think would definitely be a boost. Also I always add this in, even though I know it won't (can't) be considered currently, but I really do believe strongly that a dark RP server of some kind would heavily increase our population. People flock to those things like ants flock to a fallen piece of food. I know a lot of people would say "Oh but that attracts annoying children" let's be a little honest to ourselves guys, most gamemodes attract children, I mean hell I was 12 fucking years old when I started playing gmod. TTT has never really been one of my favorite gamemodes, so I personally couldn't care if it went down or not, but I do believe we could use a new gamemode/game that is sure to draw attention.

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What would be the difference between how fairly unpopular the RP server RND has had several times (I think Dark RP at least once, if not it was something very similar) was to how popular you think it'll be now?

So I talked to Jman the other day in cs go and he said the servers are dead dat's why he left again.


--- Quote from: saivon on November 25, 2013, 10:08:17 PM ---So I talked to Jman the other day in cs go and he said the servers are dead dat's why he left again.

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I don't think I can accurately express how little difference this makes or how little relevance this has...

god I'm so sick of this gamemode sitting in this community wasting space and be useless, just let it die already.
Leaving TTT how it is and not replace it, isn't gonna solve anything.


--- Quote from: saivon on November 25, 2013, 10:08:17 PM ---So I talked to Jman the other day in cs go and he said the servers are dead dat's why he left again.

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..what? He left like a year ago? The servers were fine back then.


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