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Replacing ttt (round 2)

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It upsets me how everyone who voted to keep it and posted their "reasons" in that thread just went on and never looked back at the server again. I myself had agreed to it at one point, until i went on for 10 minutes and kept telling people to not RDM until i had to voteban a couple of people, causing people to leave and the server to just die out for the rest of the month. The server is either always empty - or full of RDMers and Ghosters apart from the few people who regularly USED to play, i wouldn't want to have a server which no one could have fun in. TTT lost it's game long ago, it's simply not as fun as it used to be anymore now that everyone quit. No matter what you do anymore you can't populate the server at all, like the OP said, people just come and leave without even playing at all. I think every single gamemode in that suggestion thread was better than TTT, yet just because a couple of people more voted no because they think our TTT server is something "special" and is somekind of treasure, then wanted to keep it and not play it at all even. The server doesn't sit there for show people, it's meant to be played and enjoyed, which i think TTT fails at miserably right now.

He's right, sadly. Only a few of the TTT regulars still try to populate the server and that never lasts, instead becoming a 3 man deathmatch until someone leaves.
I know it's sad but the short wave of new players suddenly disappeared many weeks back. Remember, it can always return.

Just to confirm, do we show up on the serverlist now? If not we're just a private server.

Unfortunately school and sports keep me away from games most of the time now. My timezone is difficult to play on the servers as people usually get on at late afternoon or night. If TTT really needs to move, then at least move it to Fretta.

I went on the server yesterday and got some players on the server. After about an hour we had 10+ people for 4 hours.(The server even maxed out at one point. There were a lot of people.) The only reason that changed, is because the server went offline. I only had to kick like 2 people as well which was nice.

Most people don't go on TTT because no one is on it. If people go on they will go on. Use the announcements on the group page to try and get more people.(Only one joined from it, but it's better than none.)

If we could get TTT played regularly, we would maybe be able to get it active again.

I vote no on replacing it.  Spoiler (click to show/hide)Though if it was on Fretta, it would probably be picked a lot and played more.


--- Quote from: HideoKojima on September 14, 2013, 12:41:15 PM ---I went on the server yesterday and got some players on the server. After about an hour we had 10+ people for 4 hours.(The server even maxed out at one point. There were a lot of people.)

--- End quote ---

I can back this up, we actually had a really good player count for a few hours yesterday.

Spoiler: and earlier that day... oh no (click to show/hide)


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