Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Frostbound
Now I haven't been incredibly active in the servers since around a month or two, but from any of the times I can remember, I think Frostbound could be an okay Admin... I just feel that sometimes Frostbound could be a little more serious in certain scenarios. I don't mind that he's not active in the community beyond the servers, though that would certainly help establish some relations to gauge Frostbound with than only meeting in-game (although it's not very significant if one is fairly active in the servers, anyways).
I'm not sure whether I should thumbs this up or down. I mean, Frostbound is a great VIP, don't get me wrong. A lot of the positive things said in this thread I can agree with. I'll just have to be more active in the servers/play with Frostbound more to curb my opinion, because right now in my mind I can't be sure whether or not I can see Frostbound as an Admin.
My experience with Frostbound has been nothing but posotive and he's done well as VIP. I think he'd make a good admin.
I've know frost bound, since I joined the community, he is friendly, not stressed, he is active, Playing fretta, TTT. By the way frost bound would be a nice admin.
:omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd: :omgwtfddosd:
I have mixed Opnion on this. Similair to what Unit said, I think Frostbound needs to improve his overall seriousness whenever online, either on the forums and/or on the servers. Sure i believe he has the capability in becoming an Admin, but i'm not entirely sure that he want's Admin for the current active Admins playing on the servers or just to boast to his fellow peers that he got Admin before them and personally in my opnion is an ego boost. Of course we need more EU Admins and i'm not objecting into this application, i just have some hindering doubts especially on his "attitude" on the servers doesn't draw the rank of Admin when people hear him speak. If he stopped constantly bickering with certain other VIP's whether it was Serious or Pointless, i may have better judgement. I'm seeing this from a Serious, Professional point of view.
This is a toughy, from my experience with Frostbound he has always been a pretty laxed guy, but I've never once thought to myself that he'd be a good admin. There are certain quality traits that in my opinion are demanded of an admin and Frostbound doesn't have very many of them. That being said he's extremely fun to play with, very well liked amongst the community as can be noted by all the support, and he fits the role of vip decently enough. My concern is that as is the case with many others in the past I just don't think he has the switch necessary to turn off the jokes and humor when needed and command the respect that comes with the title. As has been previously stated however Admin isn't necessarily a server position these days so what else does he bring to the table if not his activity? I don't know him well enough to speak on that subject so I'll stay away from it but in summary I like Frostbound as VIP but I just don't see him as an admin.
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