Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Frostbound
Frostbound has recently been talking to me asking about my opinion with him as admin etc. At a time I recall playing with Frostbound nearly every day on the servers and he was always a very involved and friendly player so in those regards I would have been content with him being promoted, however it's been a decent time since I've played much with Frostbound so it's hard for me to have a solid opinion. Though he does still seem like a nice guy. As far as I know if he were promoted it would be simply for server activity and managing the servers which he does quite well as far as I know. I personally feel like that's a reasonable reason to have players promoted since it's a gaming community, though I'm aware things may be slightly different and that some people seem to strongly disagree with that now. I've only heard and seen good things of Frostbound however, so I still at least view him as someone to consider if promotions were to take place. I also know that some people don't like having anyone promoted if they're not strongly involved with the forums/ts and unfortunately he is not. He is aware that being involved with the community outside the servers would aid him a lot with a promotion, though.
Any how, he would like to know what peoples' opinions are on him. So what are your experiences with him? Even if you read this and don't know Frostbound personally I think it would be nice to post that as I as well want to know, thanks.
PS. The application will be edited tomorrow after he types up some bit to add to it rather than just a recommendation.
Frostbound's Admin Application
Name: Stefan
Age: 19 [born on *****]
Timezone: UTC/GMT +1 hour
Steam Account: FrostBound3722 (some derp took FrostBound)
Current Steam Nickname: FrostBound
Currently Active on:
(I usually tend to populate these two when its empty)
Admin/Co-Owner on Boncey's RP server (Currently being worked on for bugs)
Was Admin on CS1.6 server (deathmatch, vanila, ZS)
I've been a reg on the server since i first came here (also the first 2 weeks playing as guest)
Also have been VIP for around 11 months.
How i contributed as VIP:
Kept the server ass-free.
Being active daily on the server (Atleast 3-4, sometimes much more, when i was available)
How i handled rule breakers as VIP:
Glitcher: Made sure to inform the person that what they were doing was not allowed and has to stop it. After serveral warnings the players is votekicked. If the person returns and keeps repeating this prior to my other warnings, they are again votekicked, or more severly punished - voteban.
Random Death Matching:Tell the player that its not allowed, and reffer them to the rules. If they keep doing this after being warned, they are votekicked.
Hacker: Keep a close eye on that person, i don't jump the gun on those situations. I watch the player carefully to confirm if he is hacking. Once im sure he is, i get a demo of him doing it, voteban and report on the forums.
Mic Spamming: I inform the other players there is a mute button, but in the rare case that no one knows how to mute (It could happen) I would warn the spamming player to stop it.
Round holdup: In case of a T or innocent holding up the round i would inform him that it is not allowed and he should hurry up. If they keep doing it, the result will be votekick.
Disrespect: If a player starts to insult a member on the server i would warn them to stop, if they keep being a minge, it results in a votekick.
Why do i wish to become an Administrator:
There are other administrators, but sadly i don't see them on the server that much anymore.
Want to keep the server derp-free.
I want to help the community as much as i can.
I've been here long enough to see how it all works, and i belive i have a good grip on the rules.
I want to be able to catch rule breakers even after they leave the server.(Sourcebans)
Contact:***** (don't ask)
Origin: FrostBound
Steam Account Name: FrostBound
Games i own (Steam):
Garry's Mod
Counter Strike: Source
Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Half Life Source
Half Life 2 (deathmatch, lost coast)
Half Life 2 Episode 1
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Left 4 Dead 2
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
King Arthur War Role-playing game]
Saints Row: The Third
Woddy Two Legs
Anomaly Warzone Earth
ٶȻhriʂ -
Samo -
This Cactus -
Fuzsion -
.:RND`=-BJ_Cumstain-={Work};-; -
.:RND`=-.:Bomb Squad:. -
Rance-sama -
Schlomo Shekelstein -
Monorail Cat (Vintage!) -
Merc:Take that (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \) -
Hapless Hamster the Gigio12121 -
blah2355 -
gmod101 -
Apie2 -
That's my application, feel free to post your opinions on this.
Thanks in advance.
-FrostBound :)
Bomb Squad:
Frostbound is incredibly friendly and would make a great candidate for admin - he's very active, and knows the rules well.
Let's see here...
I've known Frost ever since i came back from the dead,and 'till now he's been a reliable friend,
he helped me a great deal when i was feeling like shit 90% of the time and he always listened to me if i had a problem,i owe him.
Ever since we realised we were both STALKER fans we've been great friends and shared many things.
If I ever felt bad and needed someone to talk to,Frostbound would be the first person I'd go to.
He's a great friend,an awesome VIP and maybe in the future a good admin...
He gets along with everyone in the community and(in my knowledge)has no enemies or anyone who dislikes him.
He's generally nice to everyone around him and easy to get along with,and he's always willing to help anyone regardless of their position in the community.
He has had many experiences with rule breakers on the servers,so I'm confident that he would handle his newly-found power with responsibility.
I've honestly never experienced any negative behavior from Frostbound,and out of all the VIPs we have right now,he's probably my favorite.
Overall,I'd love to see Frostbound as an admin,he'd great addition to the admin team as there aren't really many admins who moderate the servers on EU timezone
○ Μαρία ○:
Now I haven't really talked to Frostbound personally in awhile, but the last time I did I wasn't really impressed with how he treated me. Everyone has their opinions of him I'm sure, but I found him to be slightly rude and if not even a bit sexist. Now I guess that doesn't really matter that much to me (I mean it was awhile ago, but I think it's still important to keep in mind), but others maybe agree or disagree with that type of behavior. As of recently the only time I ever "talk to him" is when he says hello if I join Garrys mod or something.
I guess for all it's worth, I don't think admin is like VIP. Being a good player and all is great, but what else could he contribute. All the things I hear about him make him a good "VIP". I just don't really think he's ready for the position, but that's just me. He should considering being more active on the forums as well, I feel he could leave a bigger impact on more people since he is in different timezones. I am sure there are other admins who have a larger opinion of him than me.
--- Quote from: ○ Marie ○ on August 27, 2013, 06:07:44 PM ---Being a good player and all is great, but what else could he contribute.
--- End quote ---
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Most reasons people get + for VIP is friendly, active, and knows rules.(Which is good, but seems more better for a reg app than VIP, most important one yet always seemed to be forgotten is if the person is responsible. I guess this isn't really related to the topic though.)
--- Quote from: Bomb Squad on August 27, 2013, 05:01:09 PM ---Frostbound is incredibly friendly and would make a great candidate for admin - he's very active, and knows the rules well.
--- End quote ---
I'm friendly(sarcastic, but friendly still) and active and know the rules. Doesn't mean I should be admin. It's not really enough in my opinion.
Not really trying to ride off Marie's coattails. But I agree he should be more active on the forums, and in TS3. (I'd say active in the servers but there is only one active server atm. lol)
He's a good guy, but if being friendly, knowing the rules, and being active is all that's needed to be an admin, I don't see why all regulars+ don't get admin.
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