As the title says I want people to discuss completely new game mode ideas. Not guaranteeing that I'll actually even ever end up with a finished project, but I'm going to be messing around with lua again specifically with creating a gamemode. For those who remember SMasters, he and I (more so him than me tbh) were in early stages of creating our own multiplayer horror gamemode but as we all know he's not around any longer so I won't be going through the process and learning with him. However I do want to give this another shot through the 2 months I currently have for summer, and would like to hear what people may have as ideas for gamemodes. Please do be specific, I want some ideas not necessarily for a finished gamemode but at least for something for me to aim for so I have some direction with where to start. In other words I'd probably be trying to code certain aspects of an idea just so I can learn from it and expand. Ofc if I have a good enough idea and have stuck with it and learned enough I could end up finishing some sort of game mode.
Currently I only really have 3 ideas that come off the top of my head: the previously mentioned multiplayer horror gamemode. This is most likely not going to happen as a finished project however, as what I had previously planned was very dependant on map creation, probably more so than the actual coded gamemode itself. Since SMasters isn't around to make maps with me this would be very time consuming. This kind of idea is also obviously difficult to pull off simply because of the multiplayer horror aspect - how to still make the game legitimately scary while having multiple people in a campaign.
Another would be a form of multi/minigames gamemode with different small games put together, some possibly similar to ones you may find on sites like omgpop, or similar to minigames in css/the other below average ones on gmod. As of now this is mostly what I think I would be focussing on, I think the multiplayer aspect a gamemode like this has would be really cool.
Last, this one's also probably not something that I'd want as a finished project as the base idea of it is quite simple and wouldn't take long to finish, and I don't think anyone would want to play it. More of an old wet dream of mine (please don't take that literally games don't give me sexual pleasure). A prop killing game mode. For those that were around for the first maybe year or so that RND added the TTT gamemode, you'll know why I want this.
So ya, please share any ideas you may have and be as specific as possible, thanks.