Before Playing flood and assuming you build boats like a boss, Read this before you get kicked from the game or something to that manner.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Basic Rules:1.) There is no such thing as a money round, you can only get money by shooting other peoples boats.
2.) The Boat you started on is your main boat, you may
NOT shoot this boat, unless you are the owner and are being dumb.
3.) You
can't go off of the boat you started on, get on
someone else's boat, and shoot it.
4.) If you prop push, you are breaking the rules, and I'm pretty sure the players wont be to happy about this. You have a good chance of being kicked from the game, so don't do it.
5.) No shooting the boat you are on,
No exceptions.6.) Mic raping, Text Spamming, Prop Jailing, Prop Pushing, Prop stealing, Prop hiding, Sabotaging Boats Before Round, are all forms of Mingebagging. Do this, and you shall be dealt with.
If you think it might be against the rules, don't do it.All rules are final.
Flood Etiquette:(Not really rules but you should probably keep good etiquette)
Don't Mingebag, or Tomcat will kill joo.
- Avoid Racism.
- Never tell anyone any personal information over the internet, the whole server will be watching.
- Overusing fowl language is NOT necessary to prove you're "right".
Whining will get you nowhere.
- Avoid using crude language in-front of smaller children.
- If someone destroys your boat, don't freak out, there are plenty more times you can make back that $100 it took to make your lame boat.
- Make your boat any way you want it to be, use your full imagination.
- Even though "minging" may be funny to you, you are seriously pissing people off.
- Overusing "LOL" is not needed, unless it is for a good reason. (Ex. Attack of the Russians)
- Feel free to express your feelings, just don't express TOO much

- Respect the admins, if you refuse and break one of the rules. You have a really good chance of a ban hammer to the face.
- Flood is usually admin free, so it is up to the respected users to protect flood while admins are away from the server.
- If a player with .:RND`=- before their name is on the server, you are being watched!
A Few More Things:
- This is the Tab menu, here you will see all players currently in the game, and how much money they have, as-well as ping and death count
- Buying Weapons is simple, go to your build menu, then select the "Weapons" tab. Be aware, most weapons cost a hefty amount of coin.(There are ALOT more weapons than this
- Buying Props is just as easy, just click to purchase. Be aware, these cost money!
- When you look at another player/prop, you will see information about the player/prop.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________