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New pope elected: 76 y/o Argentinian
Cake Faice:
Religion, on MY internet?
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on March 13, 2013, 05:42:00 PM ---What type of Christian are you?
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The real kind. The kind that don't bash on other beliefs/Atheism. The kind that doesn't force their belief on others. Most "Christians" try to force their beliefs on others and by doing so they are going against what they believe in. I know many people and out of all of them, two are like me. Basically, I'm the kind that realizes that all this stuff happened 13.7B years ago and should just forget all of it and get on with out live's.
--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 06:43:28 PM ---The real kind. The kind that don't bash on other beliefs/Atheism. The kind that doesn't force their belief on others. Most "Christians" try to force their beliefs on others and by doing so they are going against what they believe in. I know many people and out of all of them, two are like me. Basically, I'm the kind that realizes that all this stuff happened 13.7B years ago and should just forget all of it and get on with out live's.
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Somewhat long shit pls don't open/read unless you intend on reading the whole thing to avoid misunderstanding:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)If you'd like to hear the truth of the matter, a lot of Christians annoy me. Simply because, due to the fact that they're following their beliefs, obeying their god and doing well and what not, they often believe they're above others. Except the thing some people fail to realize is that it's not just Christians, it's not just Atheists, it's not just any one group or religion or belief. So really, it's not that, as you say, many "Christians" force their beliefs. It's that people in general like to force their opinions, beliefs, etc on others. So at the same time, a lot of Atheists, and people from many other religions also annoy me for the same reasons some Christians may annoy you. It really doesn't matter what the religion is. I don't put any blame on any religion or belief for how the people who follow it act. I blame those people, and those people only and see it as a simple coincidence that some people may use their religion to act in certain undesirable manners, and may or may nor be Christian, may or may not be Chatholic, etc. It's simply an irrelevant decision by a person, or that's at least how I see it.
So to distinguish the difference between a "true Christian" with the use of that behaviour seems maybe... unfair to me? I don't intend to cause any sort of argument or debate on this even but to me that seems odd. Tbh I would just leave what makes a "true Christian" out of this completely because it seems people interpret that differently. Though, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there is a consensus on what is "truly Christian", but truthfully I don't know as much as I would like to about Christianity and many other religions whether I follow them or not. Either way though, any religion is what a person makes it to be. So even if the bible did describe what a "true Christian" is, even if it said it's one that does not preach to those unwilling (not say that is what it says), etc, then I would still say it's an interpretation. People decide to interpret things differently, disagree or agree, even ignore ideas or w.e. Some people may think spreading their religion and literally trying to force it on those who don't wish to would be doing the "true Christian" thing. I've literally had people tell me before that they believe doing so makes them a proper Christian. That also could be due to their ignorance to the religion they're following, but oh well.
Any ways the whole point of that was to explain that people may see things differently and that bringing up the "true Christian"(or any religion) thing is always debatable due to this, and more importantly that when people make a generalization on a religion and/or their peoples' behaviour, most likely it's not the religion that's the problem, it's the person. Just thought it'd be a good idea to get that out there before people start bringing stuff like that up. And please don't think anything I said personally, aggressively, etc. Like I said I probably know less about religions than some and the point of my post isn't in any way to debate religion, but simply to attempt to avoid certain misconceptions people sometimes create without realizing, which can often turn into a more than heated debate to say the least. Also, the post isn't just directed at Cariad, only quoted that post because of the mention of "true Christians" and how some Christians can be annoying and w.e. Not trying to bash you or your post, Cariad.
--- Quote from: Sabb on March 13, 2013, 08:01:27 PM ---Somewhat long shit pls don't open/read unless you intend on reading the whole thing to avoid misunderstanding:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)If you'd like to hear the truth of the matter, a lot of Christians annoy me. Simply because, due to the fact that they're following their beliefs, obeying their god and doing well and what not, they often believe they're above others. Except the thing some people fail to realize is that it's not just Christians, it's not just Atheists, it's not just any one group or religion or belief. So really, it's not that, as you say, many "Christians" force their beliefs. It's that people in general like to force their opinions, beliefs, etc on others. So at the same time, a lot of Atheists, and people from many other religions also annoy me for the same reasons some Christians may annoy you. It really doesn't matter what the religion is. I don't put any blame on any religion or belief for how the people who follow it act. I blame those people, and those people only and see it as a simple coincidence that some people may use their religion to act in certain undesirable manners, and may or may nor be Christian, may or may not be Chatholic, etc. It's simply an irrelevant decision by a person, or that's at least how I see it.
So to distinguish the difference between a "true Christian" with the use of that behaviour seems maybe... unfair to me? I don't intend to cause any sort of argument or debate on this even but to me that seems odd. Tbh I would just leave what makes a "true Christian" out of this completely because it seems people interpret that differently. Though, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there is a consensus on what is "truly Christian", but truthfully I don't know as much as I would like to about Christianity and many other religions whether I follow them or not. Either way though, any religion is what a person makes it to be. So even if the bible did describe what a "true Christian" is, even if it said it's one that does not preach to those unwilling (not say that is what it says), etc, then I would still say it's an interpretation. People decide to interpret things differently, disagree or agree, even ignore ideas or w.e. Some people may think spreading their religion and literally trying to force it on those who don't wish to would be doing the "true Christian" thing. I've literally had people tell me before that they believe doing so makes them a proper Christian. That also could be due to their ignorance to the religion they're following, but oh well.
Any ways the whole point of that was to explain that people may see things differently and that bringing up the "true Christian"(or any religion) thing is always debatable due to this, and more importantly that when people make a generalization on a religion and/or their peoples' behaviour, most likely it's not the religion that's the problem, it's the person. Just thought it'd be a good idea to get that out there before people start bringing stuff like that up. And please don't think anything I said personally, aggressively, etc. Like I said I probably know less about religions than some and the point of my post isn't in any way to debate religion, but simply to attempt to avoid certain misconceptions people sometimes create without realizing, which can often turn into a more than heated debate to say the least. Also, the post isn't just directed at Cariad, only quoted that post because of the mention of "true Christians" and how some Christians can be annoying and w.e. Not trying to bash you or your post, Cariad.
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Well I don't know how to improvise explanations so I said "true Christian" as it's what I was told. I agree with a lot of what you say that we can be very(very....) annoying. Not just us but so can Atheists and any other belief system. That's why I (try)to stay out of religious arguments. Some Christians like me do their stuff away from public so they don't disturb others. No I'm not defending either of the sides, like I said I agree with you as BOTH sides can be very annoying(I've had both complain/"talk" to me).
It might be best we just forget this entire thing and get back on topic. I'd rather avoid another internet war on religion. There's enough of those going on.
Cheesy Sandwich:
Pope Francis
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