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New pope elected: 76 y/o Argentinian

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The Catholic Church is an utter corruption of religion. In fact, it can be more associated as a business, with taxes from the catholic worshippers being fed to the Pope and distributed amongst the upper hierachy.
Not to mention the amount of scandals invloved with the Catholic Church.


--- Quote from: TehHank on March 14, 2013, 02:16:10 AM ---The Catholic Church is an utter corruption of religion. In fact, it can be more associated as a business, with taxes from the catholic worshippers being fed to the Pope and distributed amongst the upper hierachy.
Not to mention the amount of scandals invloved with the Catholic Church.

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I really don't understand where you got this from. I'm a catholic and I go to Catholic church from time to time and I never thought that it can be some kind of business, besides it's not like they're forcing you to give money. While I don't know where exactly the money go I have a major doubt that they're being sent to the pope.


--- Quote from: Prox on March 14, 2013, 05:36:38 AM ---I really don't understand where you got this from. I'm a catholic and I go to Catholic church from time to time and I never thought that it can be some kind of business, besides it's not like they're forcing you to give money. While I don't know where exactly the money go I have a major doubt that they're being sent to the pope.

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Maybe it's just my Arrogant Atheist views on Larger religions based around a single Person who has ultimate power over it's religion. Church Tax is what i mean.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 06:43:28 PM ---The real kind. The kind that don't bash on other beliefs/Atheism. The kind that doesn't force their belief on others. Most "Christians" try to force their beliefs on others and by doing so they are going against what they believe in. I know many people and out of all of them, two are like me. Basically, I'm the kind that realizes that all this stuff happened 13.7B years ago and should just forget all of it and get on with out live's.

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Regardless of our denomination, aren't we all brothers and sisters under God? Why should we put ourselves above others who follow the same beliefs as us, just in a different way?

Also, your time is a bit off, if you're trying to imply the time of Jesus and Moses, that was only about 2,000 years ago according to the Bible. 13.5 billions years ago was when the Universe was estimated to have been made, not the things you were referencing in previous posts (ex. 10 Commandments, Old testament, etc), and if you did mean the creation of the Universe, why should we forget about that? Is that not important? Think back to Genesis, without the fall of man, would there even be an importance for the coming of the son?

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 06:43:28 PM ---The real kind.
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Also don't talk for other Christians, it makes you look extremely ignorant. And personally makes me angry, because though you try to come off as "the truth" you just give not only yourself a bad name, but other Christians as well. Regardless if I was Christian or not, no one wants you representing their beliefs.

The beauty of it all is that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and perspectives.

Religion threads are allowed so if you are going to complain about it I suggest you avoid the thread, it is a valid discussion topic.

Less attacking each other and / or each others' beliefs and more debate or I am going to lock this thread. I know it's hard with religion but I think we can do it.


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