.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

New pope elected: 76 y/o Argentinian

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Me: Yo the new pope is Argentinian
My Dad: Really? He could be a martian for all the fucking difference it makes

Then he walks off mumbling something about stupid Christians or something


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on March 13, 2013, 04:14:53 PM ---dude Catholicism is pretty much the most well known type of Christianity and the biggest sect of it.

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Yes but it's not true Christianity. Real Christians don't pray to angels/saints. We also don't force our beliefs on others.
Let's just stop this before it gets out of hand... I don't want to get into these ridiculous arguments anymore.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 05:06:13 PM --- Yes but it's not true Christianity. Real Christians don't pray to angels/saints. We also don't force our beliefs on others.

--- End quote ---
Are you a Protestant?


--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on March 13, 2013, 05:24:07 PM ---Are you a Protestant?

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No. I'm a Christian. Not Catholic, Christian.
A follower of the bible, 10 commandments and willingly asked to be saved. Not baptized.
I respect what others believe in and I've never tried to force my belief on others.
So don't assuming I'm one of those types.
Christians don't have "leaders"(pope, priest, nun etc).
Now can we get back on topic? I'm doing my best to avoid another war...

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 05:40:37 PM --- No. I'm a Christian. Not Catholic, Christian.
A follower of the bible, 10 commandments and willingly asked to be saved. Not baptized.
I respect what others believe in and I've never tried to force my belief on others.
So don't assuming I'm one of those types.
Christians don't have "leaders"(pope, priest, nun etc).
Now can we get back on topic? I'm doing my best to avoid another war...

--- End quote ---
What type of Christian are you?


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