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New pope elected: 76 y/o Argentinian

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Apie2 on March 13, 2013, 01:26:19 PM ---I though they wanted a ''young'' pope this time...

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Oh, I bet they did.

I'm Christian.
Pope's a catholic.
Not a Christian.
I honestly don't care at all about the pope.

Doesn't matter had sex.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 03:40:42 PM ---I'm Christian.
Pope's a catholic.
Not a Christian.
I honestly don't care at all about the pope.

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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on March 13, 2013, 03:50:50 PM ---
--- End quote ---
Catholicism isn't actually Christianity because Christians aren't supposed to pray to angels/saints. Only to God(as told in the bible)
Catholics pray more to saints and angels than God.
But let's not bring up a religious war over something that happened 13.7B years ago okay?
Everybody's allowed to believe what they want to.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Broly on March 13, 2013, 03:57:32 PM ---Catholicism isn't actually Christianity because Christians aren't supposed to pray to angels/saints. Only to God(as told in the bible)
Catholics pray more to saints and angels than God.
But let's not bring up a religious war over something that happened 13.7B years ago okay?
Everybody's allowed to believe what they want to.

--- End quote ---
dude Catholicism is pretty much the most well known type of Christianity and the biggest sect of it.


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