Author Topic: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)  (Read 239 times)

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Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:12:47 AM »
As title says, what do you want to achieve in life?

For me, it has changed over the past 5 years as originally i wanted to study medicine and become a Doctor or GP. However over the last year, i have relished the fact that i am a very persuasive speaker and Arguer and intrigued by Court Law, so when my Collage options, instead of Science subjects, i opted for History, Psycology, English Literature and Ethics courses. I would then try to enter University and Study Law and hopefully later train and become a Lawyer or a Prosecutor as i enjoy finding and exploiting flaws in peoples statements.

Again, What do you guys want to achieve? (Playing PC games and/or relying on the benfits system is not a valid reply)

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2013, 08:28:53 AM »
   My dream is probably to become the first man who walked on the surface of mars, or perhaps invent something that would be very useful like a new type of fuel or energy source or something, but that's a big dream I guess.
   Aspirations? Well probably to get a good job, something economy related such as accountant or some sort of administrator or perhaps something that requires physics or chemistry, and of course to have a nice family and have a happy life. Also I look forward to visiting some places around the world since I haven't really done anything like that yet.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2013, 03:34:12 PM »
I want to some day create a video game with a group of people, and make the models and the character designs. Nothing is more satisfying than knowing your creation is in the hands of millions, and they like it. I am sure it is an amazing feeling. I am working now to try to make my dreams come true, practice makes perfect, I'll get there some day.

My aspirations is to go to VCU, get my degree, and get a job in game development or even get an apprenticeship which I currently have available to me. How awesome would it be, to be a 21 year old and have enough money to buy my own house, on my own?
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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2013, 04:21:40 PM »
I don't really have any ambition,
but I don't want to be working a minimum wage job for my career.  Which is why I'm glad to be a in a position where I can be in college and am working towards a B.S. in geomatics with an emphasis on surveying.  I picked the field because I like working outside and it pays pretty well, especially if you work for yourself.  Classes for geomatics weren't offered anywhere back in hawaii and alaska is expanding quite fast; it's also the state with the highest pay for the field.  I suppose a more immediate goal I have is to maybe learn how not to fall when snowboarding lmao.  So sore lol.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2013, 04:42:49 PM »
My most outlandish dream is to ultimately either become a singularity of relative observation through self or subjects (and set out to re-create or reproduce a simulation of the entirety of is and is-not for eternity), or to one day be able to completely leave the proximity of Earth and quite literally float out into the abyss for who knows how long, all by my lonesome until I collide with a sun or some other body/mass. Something less crazy, is to do something I enjoy doing for a living, and then retire early and simply sit on the shore of a beach and watch the Sun set every single day while writing a book about nothing.

I guess my ambition is to just, do what I like doing. I could take up Writing, I could Engineer if I put my mind to it, I could forget all that and go right back to actually drawing stuff and becoming a Graphic Designer/Storyboard Artist.

Right now, I have my post-secondary pathway set up for Engineering, but I still haven't decided the exact branch I would be diving into, something along the lines of Software/Hardware.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2013, 05:13:02 PM »
I have no goals or ambitions. I exist out of necessity for survival.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2013, 05:23:32 PM »
Dreams: Be able to work at Valve or some 3D movie company

What I need: A job and enough education so I won't have my parents kick me out of America to work in a chopstick factory. Currently the early college classes in highschool should be working out for me well.


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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2013, 01:30:31 AM »
My dream is to join Canada's elite forces Joint Task Force 2. I've pushed myself passed my limits each day to get in top shape for it. I have to do that for the next 8 years. Mainly because my great grandfather served in WW2 and he almost got killed and if it wasn't for his friend holding his helmet together for him I would not be here. I've made it my dream to get there.

What I need for it is to push myself farther than ever before. 200 - 300 push ups daily is just a small bit of it.
Everybody can make their goal happen if they just push themselves.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 03:04:03 AM by Broly »

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2013, 04:10:32 AM »
My dream is be a video game designer just like Marie and Nuclear and to work at VALVe. I love map making and making textures and making decals. I also want to learn how to make models in 3ds Max some day. This would help me accomplish my dream.
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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2013, 08:35:03 AM »
3D designer.
Able to work at big 3D companies like Valve or somewhere else.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2013, 09:12:21 AM »
After 4 or 5 years of college majoring in some type of science I want to join the Air Force and do combat rescue team.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2013, 10:48:30 AM »
My dream is that in the future I will, using the bio printer technology, print a macroscopic organism like rat, snake or even a dog...or being more ambicious, why not a human?. All of this using engineering and science. The engineering and medicine are working together.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2013, 09:05:26 AM »
   My dream is probably to become the first man who walked on the surface of mars, or perhaps invent something that would be very useful like a new type of fuel or energy source or something, but that's a big dream I guess.
   Aspirations? Well probably to get a good job, something economy related such as accountant or some sort of administrator or perhaps something that requires physics or chemistry, and of course to have a nice family and have a happy life. Also I look forward to visiting some places around the world since I haven't really done anything like that yet.

Better check this out then -

I have a couple of "small" dreams leading to a big one, though I prefer calling them goals than dreams. I'll only write a couple of my "small" ones.
First one is becoming a millionare, money is power. I don't want to acheive it by working under a boss, so I'll acheive it self-employed. I have a couple of ways to do it, I've chosen one already, but when I have enough money I'll also take the other "paths".
Second one pretty much relies on the first one, which is becoming a cyborg. I always loved the idea of "upgrading" yourself, which is why I go to gym, cycle, enjoy solving all kinds of different puzzles and gain more knowledge.
Third one is a bit cliche and also relies on the first one, I want to become so filthy rich that I'll be able to start up an organization of filthy rich people that builds various centers all over the world to help orphan kids, poor kids and sick kids. Once everything goes well and lots of kids get their lifes changed, I'll want to help also adults.
Fourth relies on the third and in my opinion is the toughest, with lowest succession rates. With the same organization and filthy rich people, try to "clean" out the corrupted governments around the world.

I know it sounds too good to be true and maybe even impossible to some, but these are some of my goals in short and I'll do my best to acheive them. Sadly I'll have to wait until I'm old enough to even start it.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 09:07:00 AM by Jhon »

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2013, 10:48:23 AM »
I've always had dreams of owning my own business. Preferably in the software/application field where I'd create a program that people would use everyday. If not, then work with a vidya game company in the programming or modeling field.

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Re: Share your Dream and Aspirations! (Serious Topic)
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2013, 01:42:58 AM »
My dream is to go into space and land on other some planet / planetoid (Not really picky on what one).

My ambition is to create an aerospace corporation in Alaska, designing/manufacturing aerospace/space components or systems.

My retirement dream is to operate a zeppelin company operating zeppelins around Alaska.
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