Author Topic: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!  (Read 676 times)

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2013, 01:56:32 PM »
Prox's cutoff shirt and Astropilot getting busy with his body pillow are the best parts.

But my jacket is a very dark green. Still I think the anime girl is the best part.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 02:13:19 PM by Astropilot »


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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2013, 02:20:55 PM »
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Holy shit! Xrain wins! Where did you get that and what is that shell?

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2013, 02:34:06 PM »
No, I think your faux hawk is the best part.
I don't see a problem here.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2013, 02:43:59 PM »
I don't see a problem here.
It looks gay, and it being on you, it's like double gay.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2013, 05:55:15 PM »
Happy Valentines day indeed - seems I found out completely randomly that my now-ex-GF's current BF is likely lying to her about the extent of his bisexuality - which is funny since she was turned off by his bisexuality, is grossed out by the idea of two guys getting it on, is one of those "no sex before marriage" types [her mom was Catholic, so kinda no duh there], and hates being lied to such that even giving her the impression she is being lied to for the accused one's own gain is enough to set her off like a firecracker.  Tuns out the guy wasn't just bi so far as considering going both ways - he has had a BF, and has buttfucked... and this girl most likely doesn't know that. 

The troll in me wants to use this in some way, but I must resist.  :trollface:  I mean, I understand if he is inexperienced in the whole relationship thing, but that is not something you lie about to a girl... and for a girl like her, if you've read my other thread on this girl in one of the other subforums, leading hr on about that, lying to her to keep her from leaving you [that kind of dependence, desire to hang on, seemingly common in first relationships] is doubly harmful to her... after all, he depression shit she goes through, and is medicated for, the fact that this would shatter her image of him in such a way where she consciously realizes what has transpired over the last few months - the toes stepped on, relationship ruined, etc - that could really fuck her up badly, moreso depending on how long this drags out. [read: potentially fatal depression]
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 06:14:56 PM by Travelsonic »
lim ( Δ :trollface: -> 0 ) (:trollface: + Δ :trollface:)² + :trollface: = :trollface:

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #50 on: February 15, 2013, 06:28:57 PM »
Happy Valentines day indeed - seems I found out completely randomly that my now-ex-GF's current BF is likely lying to her about the extent of his bisexuality - which is funny since she was turned off by his bisexuality, is grossed out by the idea of two guys getting it on, is one of those "no sex before marriage" types [her mom was Catholic, so kinda no duh there], and hates being lied to such that even giving her the impression she is being lied to for the accused one's own gain is enough to set her off like a firecracker.  Tuns out the guy wasn't just bi so far as considering going both ways - he has had a BF, and has buttfucked... and this girl most likely doesn't know that. 

The troll in me wants to use this in some way, but I must resist.  :trollface:  I mean, I understand if he is inexperienced in the whole relationship thing, but that is not something you lie about to a girl... and for a girl like her, if you've read my other thread on this girl in one of the other subforums, leading hr on about that, lying to her to keep her from leaving you [that kind of dependence, desire to hang on, seemingly common in first relationships] is doubly harmful to her... after all, he depression shit she goes through, and is medicated for, the fact that this would shatter her image of him in such a way where she consciously realizes what has transpired over the last few months - the toes stepped on, relationship ruined, etc - that could really fuck her up badly, moreso depending on how long this drags out. [read: potentially fatal depression]
I know this is ironic coming from me, but you might be investing too much time thinking about this.

10:27 PM - Sabb: are you litter trained

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #51 on: February 15, 2013, 07:13:55 PM »
I know this is ironic coming from me, but you might be investing too much time thinking about this.

I wouldn't call an hour a week too much time.   OK, 7-14 hours a week - still only 4.1666666666% to 8.333333% of a calendar week.


[But seriously though, when it actually does concern a dear friend, and the effects of it are as potentially bad as they can potentially be here, you'd want to do the same - trust me. ]
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 07:18:17 PM by Travelsonic »
lim ( Δ :trollface: -> 0 ) (:trollface: + Δ :trollface:)² + :trollface: = :trollface:

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2013, 02:19:01 AM »
Holy shit! Xrain wins! Where did you get that and what is that shell?

I made it, and it's not a shell.

It's a nose cone for a rocket. It's made from fiberglass, that has been sanded, painted, and launched with the rockets a few times. Inside its mostly empty, It has a 3 lb lead weight in the tip, a piece of all thread with a pitot tube running through he middle. Some wood bulkheads, a lipo battery, a gps transponder, and a circuit board with a pressure sensor, and a micro-controller.

The wires sticking out are data lines that run the length of the rocket to the main control computer. That switch at one time acted as a power switch for the electronics inside. However most of the switch was sawed off when it was discovered that it didn't fit with the sensor payload installed. So that switch doesn't actually switch anything.

I will admit it does look rather intimidating though...  :dukenukem:

Happy Valentines day indeed - seems I found out completely randomly that my now-ex-GF's current BF is likely lying to her about the extent of his bisexuality - which is funny since she was turned off by his bisexuality, is grossed out by the idea of two guys getting it on, is one of those "no sex before marriage" types [her mom was Catholic, so kinda no duh there], and hates being lied to such that even giving her the impression she is being lied to for the accused one's own gain is enough to set her off like a firecracker.  Tuns out the guy wasn't just bi so far as considering going both ways - he has had a BF, and has buttfucked... and this girl most likely doesn't know that. 

The troll in me wants to use this in some way, but I must resist.  :trollface:  I mean, I understand if he is inexperienced in the whole relationship thing, but that is not something you lie about to a girl... and for a girl like her, if you've read my other thread on this girl in one of the other subforums, leading hr on about that, lying to her to keep her from leaving you [that kind of dependence, desire to hang on, seemingly common in first relationships] is doubly harmful to her... after all, he depression shit she goes through, and is medicated for, the fact that this would shatter her image of him in such a way where she consciously realizes what has transpired over the last few months - the toes stepped on, relationship ruined, etc - that could really fuck her up badly, moreso depending on how long this drags out. [read: potentially fatal depression]

Look, I know you are a bit hurt from your unsuccessful relationship with her, but from what you have told us before and now. You are starting to act like a stalker; who bloody fkin cares what the hell she does with her life, you are no longer in a relationship.

Any attempts to sabotage would be childish, and serve no point to you or anyone involved.
Why you know or care what new developments of her and her current bf's sexual orientation is, is a mystery to me.

Nothing about what you have told me since you broke up has been healthy for either of you, even if you found this information in passing, you should just pass it straight to your mental recycling bin and not waste the mental power on it. This is for both of your sakes.

You cant fix everything in this world, I would just recommend butting out. You are not in a position to be helping her in any way. She is a grown woman, and will make her own mistakes, and there isn't really all the much you can do. Only she can choose what paths she wants to take.

It is very likely you are going to read this, and look at some part of my post and go, HEY THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS, YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG I <insert feeling> ABOUT HER! If its not, whatever, I can only go off of what you have told me, and everything you have told me points to the conclusions that I gave you. So if you do disagree with something I have said. Examine yourself very carefully, either you have set the world record for poorly representing what the situation is. Or you are currently rafting the large much traveled river known as de-nile.

The only case that you should be involved with her, is if she calls you up and tells you she is contemplating suicide. Even then, I would recommend you bring one of her close friends if you intend on confronting her in that situation.
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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2013, 06:56:14 AM »
Oh, sorry I was late for the party.


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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #54 on: February 16, 2013, 07:02:42 AM »
Yeah, what Xrain said.

I was once in a situation kinda like that; it isn't healthy for the mind.

I thought that one day, she'd wise up and come back to me, but that day never happened.

I learned that instead of interfering with what she's doing, just drift away from her and do you what you think is fun. It may hurt at first, but you'll eventually get over it, and you won't have her on your mind anymore.

Hell, by time 3 or 4 months pass, she might want to hang out with you again. If you have got over her by then, you have the mental power to say no if you think she doesn't deserve time with the mighty Travelsonic.

Just don't fuck with things like that. It might seem funny to do, but it'll fuck with your mind more than anything.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #55 on: February 16, 2013, 10:51:54 AM »
Oh, sorry I was late for the party.

You look like Jackie Chan in that picture.

Cherish it.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #56 on: February 16, 2013, 11:45:37 AM »
I'm going to say that to my one of my friends who does exactly that.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #57 on: February 16, 2013, 12:22:23 PM »
The complication about a lot of the advice people are giving me on this - here or otherwise - is that it is based off of their own experiences [not bad at all], but too much it seems to gives an impression of "X is the only way it can/does happen, so for it to be Y other possibility is absurd" in spite of all the evidence that says these are abnormal circumstances, in spite of a lot of people who are close to both these people seeing the EXACT same things I see, the exact same problems I see, and express the same concerns I have.  Do NOT get me wrong... I agree -  to let it consume is unhealthy, and to hurt the one I wish to help, and care dearly about would be beyond retarded... but this isn't a case of a broke-up-and-going-through-withdrawal, and I'd appreciate it if people look past that being the only possibility [don't make me break out the set theory, and other mathematical shit I've learned in the course of my studies in computer science  :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:].  I have been looking at other people dating wise, btw, and have been expending more time goofing about with friends, and on my studies, so that's good] 
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 12:25:10 PM by Travelsonic »
lim ( Δ :trollface: -> 0 ) (:trollface: + Δ :trollface:)² + :trollface: = :trollface:

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #58 on: February 16, 2013, 12:29:09 PM »
The complication about a lot of the advice people are giving me on this - here or otherwise - is that it is based off of their own experiences [not bad at all], but too much it seems to gives an impression of "X is the only way it can/does happen, so for it to be Y other possibility is absurd" in spite of all the evidence that says these are abnormal circumstances, in spite of a lot of people who are close to both these people seeing the EXACT same things I see, the exact same problems I see, and express the same concerns I have.  Do NOT get me wrong... I agree -  to let it consume is unhealthy, and to hurt the one I wish to help, and care dearly about would be beyond retarded... but this isn't a case of a broke-up-and-going-through-withdrawal, and I'd appreciate it if people look past that being the only possibility [don't make me break out the set theory, and other mathematical shit I've learned in the course of my studies in computer science  :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:].  I have been looking at other people dating wise, btw, and have been expending more time goofing about with friends, and on my studies, so that's good]

If you'd like, we could just call you crazy.

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Re: Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2013, 12:37:02 PM »
The complication about a lot of the advice people are giving me on this - here or otherwise - is that it is based off of their own experiences [not bad at all], but too much it seems to gives an impression of "X is the only way it can/does happen, so for it to be Y other possibility is absurd" in spite of all the evidence that says these are abnormal circumstances, in spite of a lot of people who are close to both these people seeing the EXACT same things I see, the exact same problems I see, and express the same concerns I have.  Do NOT get me wrong... I agree -  to let it consume is unhealthy, and to hurt the one I wish to help, and care dearly about would be beyond retarded... but this isn't a case of a broke-up-and-going-through-withdrawal, and I'd appreciate it if people look past that being the only possibility [don't make me break out the set theory, and other mathematical shit I've learned in the course of my studies in computer science  :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:].  I have been looking at other people dating wise, btw, and have been expending more time goofing about with friends, and on my studies, so that's good]

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