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Loke's Regular Application 2/13/2013

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--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 13, 2013, 08:17:18 AM ---Extremely huge -1
Games like Minecraft and Gmod he treats people like assholes (Even though i must admit I did alot on Minecraft but not as much as Loke)
During TTT he's a dick, especially to me when I talk, he says "SHUDDUP FUZSION NO ONE CAREZZ" and "GOD FUZSION U SUXORZ" I can name a few more reasons but I choose not to.
I would like to see his maturity rise up a bit more.

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)Okay, so maybe I've been a bit harsh on you lately, It's not because I hate you, not that I do, Its more of the fact that you were an asshole to me awhile back and I was done with that. It was in mid-January so that being, sorry for any trouble I've given you and anybody.

TL;DR time for me to grow the fuck up.


--- Quote from: Loke on February 13, 2013, 01:47:28 PM ---<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Okay, so maybe I've been a bit harsh on you lately, It's not because I hate you, not that I do, Its more of the fact that you were an asshole to me awhile back and I was done with that. It was in mid-January so that being, sorry for any trouble I've given you and anybody.

TL;DR time for me to grow the fuck up.
--- End quote ---
You do have time and room for improvment.

--- Quote from: Deishu Kaiki on February 13, 2013, 08:23:02 AM ---The World does not revolve around you, this petty immature squabble between you two has been long enough.
As long as he treats most people curtiously, a grudge against another player with a lower status in the community really isn't a reason for a -1

On topic:
I am unsure. It's a bit like marmite (or vegemite), some people you hate and some people respect you.
I do treat you as a friend and vice versa but by the way you treat a minority of people in this community, i am unsure.
However i can a benefit of a doubt as you do have your shining moments as a memeber of the community so here is a +1.

--- End quote ---


I'm just going to stop before I derail.

Why not plus one he is ok player like prox said giving him reg won't make the world split in two

I am iffy though he is very confusing person. However he seems legit at the moment so yeah might as well I think?

I'll take a chance and +1. Although you do have your moments where you make some bad choices, I'm assuming that you'll improve and think before you take action. There's also some maturity issues with you but again, I'm assuming that if you get Reg you'll improve with that as well.

wait you were just banned not more than a week ago on the build server your not ready learn to play without causing trouble or don't play at all. :thumbsdown:


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