Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
Loke's Regular Application 2/13/2013
IGN: Loke
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22643035
Times Online: 4:00 to 9:00-ish Mountain Time GMT
Servers I Play On: (from most to worst)
Birthday: January 17th
Games (on steam)
Garry's Mod
Half Life 2: Deathmatch
Half Life 2: Lost Coast
Counter Strike: Source
Saint's Row: The Third
Left 4 Dead 2
Metro 2033
Red Faction: Armageddon
Company Heroes ( With DLC)
Titan Quest
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - GOTY Edition
Location: Canada
Why I Want To Be Regular And Why I Should Be Regular:
I'm more active than I was before in TTT and I hope to help out on the votes where some Regulars just troll the votes.
I want to take another step to helping the community.
Contributions To RND:
I've written the dictionary of ZS weapon names (for mapping).
I am working on a map. (secret)
That is all I've done for rNd.
If you wanna contact me, add me on steam!
Steam: evilloker
Extremely huge -1
Games like Minecraft and Gmod he treats people like assholes (Even though i must admit I did alot on Minecraft but not as much as Loke)
During TTT he's a dick, especially to me when I talk, he says "SHUDDUP FUZSION NO ONE CAREZZ" and "GOD FUZSION U SUXORZ" I can name a few more reasons but I choose not to.
I would like to see his maturity rise up a bit more.
--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 13, 2013, 08:17:18 AM ---Extremely huge -1
Games like Minecraft and Gmod he treats people like assholes (Even though i must admit I did alot on Minecraft but not as much as Loke)
During TTT he's a dick, especially to me when I talk, he says "SHUDDUP FUZSION NO ONE CAREZZ" and "GOD FUZSION U SUXORZ" I can name a few more reasons but I choose not to.I would like to see his maturity rise up a bit more.
--- End quote ---
The World does not revolve around you, this petty immature squabble between you two has been long enough.
As long as he treats most people curtiously, a grudge against another player with a lower status in the community really isn't a reason for a -1
On topic:
I am unsure. It's a bit like marmite (or vegemite), some people you hate and some people respect you.
I do treat you as a friend and vice versa but by the way you treat a minority of people in this community, i am unsure.
However i can a benefit of a doubt as you do have your shining moments as a memeber of the community so here is a +1.
Even through Fuzsion is the same in his own right, Loke has time and time again shown errors in judgement that I do not think are befitting of Regulars.
To be honest I'm not sure, while there was quite a lot of trouble with Loke, he still is quite an old member and giving him this rank wouldn't really have any difference to the servers or players. Besides I don't think that Loke causes much trouble in-game and there are probably regulars who are worse then him.
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