Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Loke's Regular Application 2/13/2013

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I thought you were a good player on the ZS but lately you've changed.

-1 You need to improve more. From what I've seen a couple of nights ago you basically flipped out after being called out and killed with legit proof.

Until you can mature a bit more my answer stands as it is.

I've played with loke in the past but not recently but from previous experiences/troubles with him he shows poor judgement and overall negative attitude.


--- Quote from: Saetik on February 14, 2013, 02:56:18 PM ---I thought you were a good player on the ZS but lately you've changed.

-1 You need to improve more. From what I've seen a couple of nights ago you basically flipped out after being called out and killed with legit proof.

Until you can mature a bit more my answer stands as it is.

--- End quote ---

Legitimately called out? My ass. I was sitting there and you randomly called me out.


--- Quote from: Loke on February 14, 2013, 08:56:52 PM ---Legitimately called out? My ass. I was sitting there and you randomly called me out.

--- End quote ---

sigh GG Wp loke on this reg app


--- Quote from: Loke on February 14, 2013, 08:56:52 PM ---Legitimately called out? My ass. I was sitting there and you randomly called me out.

--- End quote ---

>see regular app from loke
>"how bad can it be"
>2 seconds go by and i see this response

nigga, good luck next time


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