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The definition of a first blood rdm

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   Okay, so what exactly is a first blood RDM? This whole time I thought that a first blood RDM is when an innocent randomly kills a traitor who didn't do anything within the first seconds/minutes of the round, however other VIPs have told me that a first blood RDM is when someone kills someone(a traitor, innocent, anything) within the first seconds/minutes of the round.
   So how exactly it is after all? Don't lock this thread too soon, it would be good to see as many opinions as possible.

   Now, my opinion on this is like I said, when an innocent kills a traitor when he had done nothing. I also think that the other definition of first blood RDM doesn't really serves any purpose since there is a RDM limit of 4 players(though it may vary in some cases).

Dale Feles:
Normally, I kick/ban first blood rdm's on Traitors only, but if an innocent always keeps targetting random people at the start of the round, I'll still ban them.

I see it as working for both. But its mostly nomenclature and i dont think its too important for most situations.

I've always counted first blood as anything.

Inno on Trator (Unless the traitor were to derp and show his(her) knife)
Inno on Inno (Especially if it's within 30 seconds of the round)

○ Μαρία ○:
I always thought of a first RDM as someone just running up to someone and killing them as soon as the round started. I've been first RDMed before by a Detective. ;_;


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