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--- Quote from: Cake Faice on January 16, 2013, 09:12:16 PM ---I'd want to be put out of my misery if I had to live like that.
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It's not too terrible if you like all those things
--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 16, 2013, 09:07:53 PM ---I thought they did, but if I remember right it costs more and is bad for people with asthma? It's like, something they put up your nose or something
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huh. never heard of that
I'm all for vaccines and all as long as they aren't one of those "Test" ones you hear about on the news.
Only thing that kind of annoys me is how we get them at school, and they rush to get everyone through with it all, so sometimes you get the injection done poorly and it hurts for the next few days.
I definitely agree with vaccines. They have been proven effective; such as completely wiping smallpox off the planet (except for in laboratories and bio-weapons).
Meningitis (nervous system infection) is a very important vaccine to get, it acts like a cold, and can kill you in less than a day. If it doesn't kill you it almost always leaves you with a major debilitating impairment.
The flu shot might not be necessary for healthy people, but if you have a lot of stress in your life I would highly recommend getting it. Stress greatly weakens your immune system.
Also, in my hometown we are one of the few places in the nation that has to pump water uphill, at my house we use an underground water tank, and we have a pump in our basement to pressurize the water. A water truck comes by once every 2 weeks and fills the water. It's nice since the water doesn't have to travel through the city pipes.
I don't think there are any water towers in Alaska, I think the necessity of heating the pipes in the winter makes them more costly than other methods. Also you would need to build it on bedrock, as regular ground could heave when the ground freezes/thaws.
--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 16, 2013, 08:37:32 PM ---For breakfast I have a smoothie made of organic greens and fruit
Second breakfast is almond milk and a bowl of fruit
Lunch is a salad with 50/50 spinach and baby greens mix, along with whatever veggies are in season
Second lunch is usually tea and basically whatever veggies and fruit I want. I might also scramble some eggs that are from one of my friends(they have chickens) for extra protein and fat if I did a lot that day.
Dinner is whatever I want, though if it's a week day I usually eat a turkey or a veggie burger with lots and lots of condiments :)
Because I have a lot of meals, I eat way smaller portions and usually have to split meals with people if I go out for dinner.
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Is there any seafood in that diet?
I like spinach, almond milk is ok, but I like Ricemilk substantially more. Hemp milk works great for baking.
I don't think I could ever eat that small of breakfasts, I tend to each a larger breakfast, small/moderate lunch, and moderate sized dinner.
My favorite breakfasts are the "kitchen sink" kind of meals. (breakfast burritos, scrambles, omlets, etc.)
You basically open the fridge, and take out anything that would go good in it, (onion, broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, tacos, spaghetti, salmon, halibut, crab, etc. (I usually add all the veggies, and one or two "Main Items") and if there is no meats, I usually add sausage or bacon (I prefer moose sausage).
You dice up those ingredients, and saute them with a bit of spices added. (I like Mrs. Dash's Garlic and Herb spice, goes great in any kind of eggs/seafood)
Then you make your omlet/scramble/burrito, add a bit of cheese, and voila. Pretty much turns out amazing every time.
--- Quote from: Xrain on January 16, 2013, 10:55:52 PM ---Is there any seafood in that diet?
I like spinach, almond milk is ok, but I like Ricemilk substantially more. Hemp milk works great for baking.
I don't think I could ever eat that small of breakfasts, I tend to each a larger breakfast, small/moderate lunch, and moderate sized dinner.
My favorite breakfasts are the "kitchen sink" kind of meals. (breakfast burritos, scrambles, omlets, etc.)
You basically open the fridge, and take out anything that would go good in it, (onion, broccoli, mushrooms, bell peppers, tacos, spaghetti, salmon, halibut, crab, etc. (I usually add all the veggies, and one or two "Main Items") and if there is no meats, I usually add sausage or bacon (I prefer moose sausage).
You dice up those ingredients, and saute them with a bit of spices added. (I like Mrs. Dash's Garlic and Herb spice, goes great in any kind of eggs/seafood)
Then you make your omlet/scramble/burrito, add a bit of cheese, and voila. Pretty much turns out amazing every time.
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I usually don't eat seafood as I have an allergy to about half of it.
The breakfast smoothie actually fills me up better than any of my other meals because it's so full of everything.
As for hemp milk, I try not to have things like that in the house because my boyfriend misses it and he's currently in the military. So he can't consume anything with hemp in it :(
I've never had moose, but it sounds amazing. And that omelette sounds amazing as well! Def have to try it this weekend :)
The reason why most of my food is raw is you lose over half of the enzymes and proteins and all the good stuff when you cook food, hence one cooked meal a day. You're supposed to have like 50% of your calorie intake be raw food, I just kinda went extreme into it ^^
Also, vitamins. I take 2 different types of vitamins a day and eat vitamin c chews like candy :)
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