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I don't like getting shots just as much as the next guy, but I can say that they are definitely necessary. It's great protection and even though shots suck, I'd rather have a numbing pain for a few days then be sick with the flu.
It's different for everyone and how healthy their immune systems are. Basically how I understand how the vaccine works: Spoiler (click to show/hide)The doctor injects a weak form of the flu into your bloodstream, and your immune system immediately gets to work and produces a whole bunch of antigens which travel to the virus and gather information about it. They recognize it as a pathogen (threat) and they tell the immune system to produce B cells (I think) and they produce antibodies and memory cells. The antibodies attack the virus, and since it is a weak form, they easily clear them all out. So the immune system has a lot of leftover antibodies to fight this specific type of virus. Also the immune system produces memory cells which basically store data on how to make these specific antibodies. So after something like 2 weeks, your body is prepared for any other attack from the same virus, with a much faster response time, so fast as you don't even get any symptoms, which makes you feel immune to the virus. I may be wrong in some aspects, but this is how I learned it (as much as I remember) and my amateur view on understanding vaccines.
But I mean, if you have a healthy body and healthy Immune system, that's probably why you don't get sick that much. Shots are just extra protection.
--- Quote from: Tortie on January 16, 2013, 08:38:42 PM ---But I mean, if you have a healthy body and healthy Immune system, that's probably why you don't get sick that much. Shots are just extra protection.
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This is pretty much what I was getting at earlier.
Though now that I think about it, children should always have flu shots because they have more of a chance to get sick since they would be constantly exposed to it at school and such things.
--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 16, 2013, 08:44:29 PM ---This is pretty much what I was getting at earlier.
Though now that I think about it, children should always have flu shots because they have more of a chance to get sick since they would be constantly exposed to it at school and such things.
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Yes, now if only we could a establish a way to vaccinate without using the needle, so there wouldn't be much discouragement.
--- Quote from: Tortie on January 16, 2013, 09:02:16 PM ---Yes, now if only we could a establish a way to vaccinate without using the needle, so there wouldn't be much discouragement.
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I thought they did, but if I remember right it costs more and is bad for people with asthma? It's like, something they put up your nose or something
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 16, 2013, 08:37:32 PM ---For breakfast I have a smoothie made of organic greens and fruit
Second breakfast is almond milk and a bowl of fruit
Lunch is a salad with 50/50 spinach and baby greens mix, along with whatever veggies are in season
Second lunch is usually tea and basically whatever veggies and fruit I want. I might also scramble some eggs that are from one of my friends(they have chickens) for extra protein and fat if I did a lot that day.
Dinner is whatever I want, though if it's a week day I usually eat a turkey or a veggie burger with lots and lots of condiments :)
Because I have a lot of meals, I eat way smaller portions and usually have to split meals with people if I go out for dinner.
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I'd want to be put out of my misery if I had to live like that.
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