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So this one is about getting shots I just got mine today due the flue and my mom thinking 500 people died from it.

Any who do you guy's like getting shot's in general ? I hate it because after a while my arm hurts and get's swallon and right now it feels like my left part of my neck is swallon to.

  Spoiler (click to show/hide)I also learned in science that west coast we don't' really have to worry about power economically because we have lot's of dam's powering our stuff and also people on east coast get paid more then people on west coast because they don't really use water as a natural resource for power but instead they use coal and coal is more expensive because of obvious reasons and also that I think los angless wants to use some of the Columbia river water to power there city ? that's what I heard my teacher said. And I also learned that why water towers and stuff etc. are on hills is because of the gravitational force pulling it down and sending it through our houses or whatever else and how if you have like a 5 story house and let's say your above the water tower it's going to be harder to get water to your sink and stuff because you would need a pump for the water to go through the top of your house and travel to the sink. That's why in most cities we have water towers on top of buildings and stuff for drinking sinks etc. Also there maybe some pumps there to I know that in the Seattle the space neadle also has a pump due to it well yah being above the water tower and that's what I learned in science.

I have a fear of needles, but besides that I think flu shots are completely stupid. My boyfriend got one and still caught the flu. Also, you can get the flu from the shot because they're basically taking bits of the virus and stickin it up your blood stream.
I haven't had the flu shot in about 3 or 4 years and I've only caught the flu once during those years.

I'm going to have to disagree that the vaccines are stupid. They're a proven method to help prevent the illness, in both severity and spread.

And yes, that's how your body learns to fight the virus.

And your immune system is different, but there can always be new strains, stronger virus...es, and good old fashioned not being able to fight it off.

Not necessarily. I have a strict diet of 4 raw meals and 1 cooked a day and go to the gym frequently, so I just naturally fight off pretty much anything.
It's only within the last century that people as a whole started to get fat and pudgy and catch illness. Cancer has gone up because of all the bad things that people eat as well. Of course, I'm not saying any of those things are completely avoidable, but they are to some degree


--- Quote from: Dandelion on January 16, 2013, 07:49:37 PM ---Not necessarily. I have a strict diet of 4 raw meals and 1 cooked a day and go to the gym frequently, so I just naturally fight off pretty much anything.
It's only within the last century that people as a whole started to get fat and pudgy and catch illness. Cancer has gone up because of all the bad things that people eat as well. Of course, I'm not saying any of those things are completely avoidable, but they are to some degree

--- End quote ---

Which is a different story. You're arguing against your own vaccination, while I am arguing for vaccinations for others. We should stop lol


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