age 16
server ttt
gender a pig
major brain problem: ADD and i cant spell for sh*t
hey i bet anyone who goes to the ttt server knows me. I have been on the ttt server for about a year and made many friends on it, i was liked and was a respected, i only kick or ban when i need to and never rage or curse also i use a mic and talk a lot.
my personal info is that i live in la=, weart glasses and have an afro (so i look like this

but with awesome muscles and playing a guitar solo). i make friends easy and made my own acievement system for ttt (piggy points) which a lot of players do things to get. i can be in the server between the hours of antime and always.
i would like to be reg because i will love the power rush and use my power to become the 2nd hitler or something like that.
oh and my favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni
ps anyone that posts a comments good or bad gets one free piggy point