Piggy's Regular A app 23/10/10
A bit about myself : Hey my name is Mark in Real life
i have over 888!!!!! hours in gmod.(i've had it for 3 years) I have played on RnD servers quite a lot , mainly on winter survival. A few people on RnD know me cas i have been around a while
I like to mess around for hours just building random crap (that half the time never works
) I want to be able to program in c# but never got around to doing it.
Age : : 14 !
In rnd since : I think it has been like 5 months , but I sort of stopped playing Gmod for my exams.
Timezone : GMT !
Servers I play on : I play on Winter survival the most
but i also like to mess around in Flood and Sandbox
Steam name : Piggy Ϡ
Steam id : : Piggy Ϡ" STEAM_0:1:23256702 00:34 88 11 active
Games I have (on Steam):Garry's Mod
M&B War band
Alien swarm
Moon base alpha ( what a jk)
A few friends active in RND:Peetah
Arctik Banana
And i have sort of talked to Ich3yDaniel
And thats my app
hope you liked it Piggy