Not all got banned... but most did.
Specifically because when I joined (and by what I was spammed with), there were about 6 people collectively reaming the server with

's on.
I came in there and saw low karma everywhere, and when it came to banning Scottey for RDM [which shortly ACE replied with "I haven't RDM'd three times yet"], he replied verbally through his mic "I didn't RDM anyone" which was then followed by a few people exclaiming that he did (not including FPS)... There were at least 10-12 people on at that moment.
Usually I'm hesitant to even do anything before getting evidence/demos. But I saw a line of karma ranging from 710-390, as well as the fact that people like to evade after they go and kill people for fun on random servers.
And from the looks of it, there were probably more than 4 kills/person/s that may have actually killed someone (the karma) before the map, adding the occasional "I got traitor this round so I didn't lose anything by killing an innocent/detective".
Whatever happened, I wasn't there. I went off of what people were telling me and what appeared in console. People with lowest karma got banned for 60 minutes with a URL linking to the server rules, the last 2 were also given a link but given a 10 minute kick. And because FPS was the most prominent person making the claims as well as 2/5 of the server actively telling me "OMG RDM THIS GUY HEY HEY LOOK", I saw those things as "Someone was killing somebody, and it wasn't this guy". Maybe the other half of the server was RDMing earlier, I don't know.
Lazord, you also not only also called me to the server, but confirmed that the players I mentioned had been RDMing in TTT previous rounds, and didn't question the voteban/kicks.
You could have voted 'no instead of letting me plow through Scottey, and that would have prevented Scottey from getting banned... but I still would have watched him with his 642 karma and use of a mic.
As for FPS, I realize what's happened before, but I don't ever see anything happen when I'm on (besides a few months ago).
Here's screenshots that I had time to gather before I went back to work:
Auroch, this is why I also didn't just kick/ban FPS.
From the looks of it:
Fox was trying to kill him.
Dylan was trying to kill him.
They both were killing people earlier, according to the story.
Apparently bullets don't always hit people and Damage Logs just tell me who hit who first.
There are some very noisy people talking to each other specifically using microphones.
Several people have karma +/- 600, and of those people that are also communicating to each other via spectator mode, one of them is T and one isn't.
The whole server had a "Yeah, there's malicious intent afoot" feeling to it because everyone was pretty much still talking as loud as they could.
And Lazord was agreeing with the claims, and I trust Lazord enough as well.
At that point, besides bias and previous actions, I had no reason to subject FPS to anything in particular other than a watchful eye.
But if it turns out he was
really doing something, I'm less inclined to take people's words for things and go right back to plain old self-acquired evidence.
Again, I didn't happen to be there 3 maps ago.
It's a good thing people make reports.