I got hooked to WoW at somewhat of a young age, and so one of my favorite things to do was name my characters. I remember I was in a movie theater and for some odd reason, I came up with the name "Dreader", so I had used that as a username for a few things for awhile. That name, however, wasn't super original and I was never truly happy with it. Eventually, I was driving somewhere in Oklahoma and there was a sign came up that said something along the lines "If you're car has [Insert list of axles], you pay this much at the next toll booth". For whatever reason, I had put a u in axle and it's just stuck.
As for the accented A in my name, it doesn't have much reason. I used to think it was super cool to have all of these fancy characters for your name, so I scrolled through Character Map for the longest time trying to find all of these cool, decorated characters to put as my name. I realized later though that it's not all that cool, so I changed it back to the original. However, I really really liked the way the accent looked on the A and figured it was the perfect touch: not too much, but just enough to make it unique. I like to think of it as my signature really.