This is not much of a guide but more like some good advice for new mappers.Hello this is a guide for you new mappers out there. This topic will contain basics of mapping, images and links to even more useful topics.
How to start upGoto your steam library and located the tools section. Scroll down and run
Source SDK (not 2006 or 2007)

After a few seconds a green window will pop up. Select the engine version as
Source engine 2009 and the Current game as
Half life 2Once done, refresh the source SDK content to avoid first time start up errors.
So you have a basic idea for a potential map, what next?Make your general layout of the map. Don't get too detailed and plan what areas could be.
Currently only use the nodraw texture for all the blocks you are going to make. This saves the trouble of having to texture unseen parts of the map later on with nodraw as this can be tedious.
This large room could be the canteen, these rooms can be store rooms and etc.
This small building can be the power generator, this giant buidling can be the church and etc.
Okay i have decided what i need to do... Next step?The best ideal way to proceed next is to place basic textures.
Choose your texture and apply it to the block surface (Make sure you don't texture the entire block with your chosen texture).
Going to make a brick wall? use a brick texture.
Need some grass on the ground? use a grass texture.
Okay everything looks very basic and starts to look like what i intended, now what?Now add props. Use the prop_static entity to place objects that can not be moved. Want some lamposts on the sidewalk? Place them there and make sure they aren't floating 1 foot above the ground.
Want to add moveable props to make cades? use the prop_physics entity instead of static and place it how you would do it normally.
Everything looks natural and realistic now (hopefully), now what?Time to implement extra details such as skyboxs, extra optimising and things like water. These steps can be in depth via these other community made guides:
Mehis's General extra advanced detail guide,4273.0.htmlMehis's Optimization for newbies,10862.0.htmlCoolzeldad's Source water,773.0.htmlAlkaline's how to mount a FGD (custom entities),7649.0.htmlNote: Alkalines FGD topic added
From here you can explore and try out new things. Have fun