You know, admins can deal with problems without even going in-game, right?
I get contacted by plenty of people in-game all the time. They send me a few screenshots, and within minutes, the situation is handled.
I can certainly say you've never done that though.
Oh? Didn't know it could be handled that fast. But alright, I'll start doing that now. I expect you to keep your word though.

This would pretty much bring the same problems when there were a respected system. Retarded votekicks/bans + retarded guest votes.
Also giving such power to regs an not giving any more power to VIPs would be illogical since then there wouldn't be much of a difference between those ranks considering how it takes to get those ranks, however I wouldn't mind if that power would be temporarily given to regs to see how it goes, but I'm absolutely against giving the vote power to guests.
I'd like to see it, most regulars are responsible. Maybe just make it just a KICK though? So VIPS still keep their power. And obviously if the person comes back and acts retarded more, they need to be banned, so it would indeed require a report.
I think it could work out nicely. It sounds nice.
Though it might just sound nice on paper... but it obviously isn't in action (yet), so who is to say really? It could be just the thing the server needs.